Newton Sparrow Scamander

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D.O.B- 21st October 1974

1. Her Patronus is a Thesteral. Thesterals get a bad reputation as unlucky omens, probably due to their spooky appearance and association with death. The reality is that these intriguing creatures, which are only visible to people who have witnessed death and accepted its significance, are gentle and kind. Thesterals can fly at incredibly fast speeds and have a keen sense of direction. If the herd that lives in the Forbidden Forest is any indication, Thesterals can be extremely loyal to their human friends and will fiercely attack their enemies. This makes the Thesteral an intimidating and powerful Patronus.

2. She was actually a very good student and had an 'O' in everything except Divination and Potions- both of which she dropped the moment she could.

3. Her favourite song is Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles.

4. Paul McCartney is her favourite Beatle.

5. Charlie published her unfinished book after the War, it sold Millions of copies within the first couple weeks.

6. She played Quidditch as a Keeper but got kicked off the team fifth year.

7. The real reason she got expelled was because a student was speaking bad of her family, she got angry and a duel started, this was the final straw for the Ministry, both McGonagall and Dumbledore tried to stop the expulsion but failed.

8. Her favourite lesson-besides Care of Magical Creatures- was Transfiguration.

9. She was top of her year group and really smart.

10. She didn't have any friends in school and was often bullied, the closest person to a friend to her was Tonks, the pair met during Newt's second year when she was running from Filch, they bumped into each other outside the kitchens.

11. She published two books in the muggle world during her time at the Ministry.

12. Draco named his son after her, Scorpius Sparrow Malfoy

13. Her daughter, Charlotte Scamander-Weasley was sorted into Slytherin-being the first Weasley into the house

14. Her grandfather took all of her creatures after her death and looked after them for her.

15. Charlie kept Rocco and Paul the Pygym Puff, he also raised Charlotte by himself in the cottage telling her stories off all the things her mother did.

16. When she died she was greeted by her parents and Sirius, Fred, Remus and Tonks.

17. She looked over the Weasley family and Draco from the afterlife.

18. The reason Remus wanted her to leave the wedding early after the Death Eater attack is because she just found out she was pregnant and told Tonks who in return told Remus.

19. Charlie fainted when she gave birth... and got made fun off for weeks by Regulus and her.

20. Newt and Charlie were planning on having at least another kid after the war.

21. Her favourite creature was a Niffler.

22. She gave birth to Charlotte a month before the Battle of Hogwarts.

23. Charlie tried to name Charlotte, Charlie Jr, but Newt refused leading to him sulking for a week.

24. She loved pulling pranks in her school years- Filch and Snape being her favourite victims.

25. Charlie still visits her grave every day.

26. She kept the blanket Regulus gave her and slept with it every night, eventually giving it to Charlotte.

27. Her wand is 11 inches, ash wood and Thesteral tail hair.

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