Chapter 10

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒Constellations⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

Newt sighs sleepily as she cuddles further into the comforter on Charlie's bed, its Christmas Eve and she can't sleep, it's almost midnight as she grabs the jumper from the bottom of the bed, the smell of smoke and cinnamon still strong.

Pulling on some thick fluffy socks she gets up and quietly creeps down the creaky stairs of the burrow, passing Ginny's room where the soft snores of the girl can be heard as she mumbles something about the Quaffel in her sleep.

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs she debates on brewing herself a cup of tea but decides against it and heads straight for the porch, muttering a spell under her breath as the tip of her wand lights up she goes to the part of the house Charlie showed her during the summer.

Setting her foot into the right place she begins to climb slowly and carefully picking the right spot and avoiding the parts that make noise until she gets to the roof.

Looking down the world seems much smaller now than it did before, pulling her knees up to her chest she looks up her eyes settling on one of the constellations above her.

Despite knowing the good places to stargaze the red head knew nothing of the correct constellations and Newt spent many nights pointing them out to him.

"Pegasus, a magical winged horse that was believed to have sprang from the body of Gorgon Medusa when she was killed by Perseus."

"Wrong," She smirks, trying her hardest to keep her composure as she hears the steps get closer, "It sprang from the blood of Gorgon Medusa."

Charli settles beside her, his arm brushing hers, "Right, that's what I said."

She turns to him, a large smiles on her face that is brighter than the millions of stars currently dancing in the night sky above them.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was going to surprise you all in the morning, but I saw you up here when I apparated, perfect opportunity to do this..." He whispers as he leans forward, cups her face and kisses her slowly.

He manoeuvres himself in front of her and pushes her back, the coldness of the night hitting her exposed skin as the jumper rides up showing the skin of her stomach. He holds himself up on top of her smiling down at her, "Merry Christmas, love."

She smiles, her hands playing with his ginger hair, "Merry Christmas."

He lowers is head slowly, eyes closed as he meets her lips pushing her back further into the tiles of the roof, her back arches into him as he places one hand under her on her lower back.

"You are so, beautiful." He breaths out smiling down at her.

She feels the blush rising to her neck, willing it away she grins and flutters her lashes up at him, "And...?"

"And, talented," He says placing a kiss on her cheek, "And brave," Placing a kiss one her other cheek, "Ambitious," One on her nose, "Determined," He places one on her forehead and moves so he hovers above her, "Amazingly good with creatures," He places a lingering kiss on her jaw, "And I am so in love with you." He says finally placing a kiss on her lips.

She quickly pushes him back, her wide eyes meeting his, "Y-You-?"

"Yes," He nods, his eyes flickering between hers, "So much. I love you, Newt Scamander."

He leans back slightly taking her hands in his as she sits up with him their faces inches part, her eyes scanning over his face, taking in the green mixed within the brown of his eyes, the scars and freckles of his face, every detail she can.

"When I first laid my eyes on you, it took everything in me not to kiss you, right there, right then. When I saw you smile, it took everything in me not to fall in love right there, right then. And when I saw your heart, it took everything in me, right there, right then."

Not saying anything she pushes herself up fully meeting his lips and flipping them over, she closes her eyes savouring the touch of his hand on the back of her thighs.

She continues to hungrily kiss him as she straddles him her hands either side of his head, "Take it." She whispers pulling back and resting her forehead against his.

"Take what?"

"My heart," She says placing a kiss on his lips, "Take it, love it, protect it, do whatever you want with it, just don't break it."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

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