Chapter 6

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ Helping Harry ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

Newt watches as her fourth year class take their seats, "Don't get too comfortable," She calls walking down the stairs, "We're leaving in a moment. Hold your homework into the air please."

Her students give weird looks but nonetheless raise their homework into the air suddenly two barn owls swoop in collecting the homework before flying into the room above the classroom.

"We'll be meeting Hagrid in the courtyard, hurry please."

They follow her out of the classroom and through the many corridors towards the courtyard where the Half-Giant is waiting for them, "Professor? Where exactly are we going?"

"That's a surprise, just follow us."

She leads them towards Hagrid's hut where a herd of unicorn lie grazing in the small fenced off area. She whistles sharply, their heads snap towards her as she throws herself over the wooden fence.

"Newt, I don't think-"

"I'll be fine, Hagrid, I've been down here, every day the past week."

Quietly and carefully she walks towards the Unicorns her hands extended, straight away one of the larger male unicorns walks towards her sniffing her hand gently. The Unicorn eases up and walks forward nudging her with his nose.

Hagrid chuckles while shaking his head, "Death wish, she has."

"They're fine, Hagrid!" She calls over her shoulder, "I just didn't approach them properly last week!"

Ron raises his brows, "What happened last week?" He asks turning to Hagrid.

"Ruddy Unicorn knocked her out of the field."

"You weren't no harm, right? Yes." She coos.

"Right, then," She turns back to the class placing her hands on her hips, "Form a line, girls you first, they tend to rather the female gender."


Harry knocks lightly on his new favourite Professor's door, she glances up smiling at him, "Yes, Harry? Can I help you?"

She looks up, folding her hands on the table, "I was just wondering, what you knew about... dragons?"

"Dragons?" He nods and she sighs getting up and leading him over to her bookshelf, "When I was a little girl I always wanted a Dragon, a Common Welsh Green, despite my favourite being a Ukrainian Ironbelly, always loved the colours of them Welsh Greens, must be the Slytherin in me."

"You were a Slytherin?"

She nods and cheers as she finds her very old and very used book on Dragons, "Yes. I didn't last long, tough."

"So the rumours are true? You were expelled?"

She nods again going back to looking for another book, "My sixth year, Dumbledore tried to stop it, no use, Ministry's too powerful these days."

"How? What did you do?"

"That, Harry, is a story for another time," She hands him another two books and quickly takes one to flick through the pages, "Here, all my grandfather's research on dragons."

"Thank you, Professor."

She nods patting him on the back, "Oh and, Harry?" He stops at the door.

He nods holding the many books in his hand as his foot holds open the heavy door, "Why a Basilisk may I ask?"

"A story for another time, Professor."

She smiles and shakes her head waving him off as she goes back to marking her papers. Rocco jumps up onto her lap and she pets him with one hand while the other holds the paper out in front of her.

Sipping from her very large cup of coffee she sighs and allows her hand to fall back to scratch Rocco's head, the dog looks up sensing her boredom and jumps to his feet wagging his tail.

"Sorry, Rocco, I got work to do."

Rocco nudges her foot and jumps back again making her laugh, "Rocco, no, maybe later."

She picks up her Quill only for the dog to jump up onto the table and grab it from her hand. "Rocco, I'm not playing, hand it over, now."

He hurries out of the door and with a sigh she reaches into her draw to take out another Quill, Rocco pokes his head through the door looking up at her with the feathered Quill still hanging from his mouth.

The dog looks up at her with puppy dogs eyes and she quickly looks away, "No, Rocco, no."

He slowly walks towards her while quietly whimpering making her bite her lip and go back to marking, the whimpering gets louder as he drops the Quill at her feet and looks down his ears dropping and tail going still.

"Rocco..." She says in a warning voice.

"Ugh, fine, one walk, then straight back here."

The dog jumps up liking her face and running upstairs to her room to get his favourite tennis ball. "Let's go, Rocco, you little rascal."

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