Chapter 12

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ Grandparents ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

"Is she going to be okay?" Harry asks looking at Newt who is still unconscious on the sofa.

After she got attacked by Greyback the others had just found her, they were able to get Bellatrix and Greyback away bit they set fire to the Burrow which was easily fixed with a little magic.

Charlie hadn't left her side since, his large hands clutching her small one, as he whispers to her wishing he could hear her witty replies.

Remus places a hand on Harry's shoulder and sighs, "I know what you're thinking, Harry. It's not your fault, you know she won't blame you either."

"I shouldn't have listened, I should have stayed and helped."

"You did the right thing."

"Is she going to..." He trials off not knowing how to ask the question.

Remus shakes his head, "It's not a full moon, so I highly doubt it, might receive a nasty scar though."

Harry nods sighing as he settles down at the kitchens table with Ron and the others.

The house is silent, Arthur sits at the head of the table with the twins, the three of them are silent not knowing what to do, Tonks sits beside Rems but her gaze doesn't leave her friend on the sofa, Ron sits beside Harry a hand on his shoulder in comfort and Molly busies herself with some knitting preparing the girl a new Weasley Sweater as the other had gotten tared while in the fight.

Ginny sits with Charlie in the living room keeping him company as he stares at his girlfriend. Hand holding hers he sits on the floor in front of her cross-legged and his eyes not leaving her. His sister sits behind him, a comforting hand on his shoulder occasionally telling him things he needs to hear.

Looking at the large grandfather clock Molly realises the time and ushers everyone into their rooms, Remus bids everyone goodbye asking to hear the news as soon as she wakes up as Tonks says goodbye to Charlie and Ginny.

Eventually, Ron and Harry follow the others up and then Ginny leaves her brother in peace leaving just Charlie and his parents.

"Charlie, dear," Molly says softly placing a hand on his head, "She'll be fine, she's going to be okay, let her rest and come back-"

"I'm not leaving her, Mum," He says cutting her off, the pain evident in his voice, "I can't, not again."

Molly sighs and nods knowing she won't win, she kisses him on the cheek and then kisses Newt on the forehead, "I've owled her grandparents, they'll probably be here tomorrow."

He nods his gaze going back to the unconscious girl before him making Molly smiles softly as she bids him goodnight.


Newt and Tina apparated to the Burrow the moment they got the owl, they were greeted by Harry who had met them during the summer the moment their feet touched the ground, truth be told the boy had been full of worry and hadn't slept a wink.

He leads them into the living room and Tina smiles at what she sees, Charlie sleeps beside the sofa, his hand clutching Newt's that falls off the sofa and rests on his chest above his heart.

His chest rises and falls with each quiet snore that slips from his mouth, despite Tina being happy for her granddaughter Newt stares at the red head holding his granddaughter.

"Who's that?" He asks Harry as Tina moves to greet Molly and Arthur again.

"Charlie Weasley," Harry answers, "They're dating."

"And she didn't tell me?" Harry shrugs and grabs one of the kitted throws placing it over Charlie knowing the man probably fell asleep from exhaustion just an hour or so before everyone came down for breakfast.

Newt settles at the table talking with Arthur and Remus- who had come back this morning to check on her- about his granddaughter's condition, "Is Charlie awake yet?" Remus asks Harry.

Popping his head into the living room and then returning Harry shakes his head, "I was going to tell him he can take her up now, her wound won't bleed again now, hopefully."

They sit at the table in silence for the next hour, Molly passes out food to keep herself busy and Tina hols onto Newt's hand for dear life.

Charlie yawns as he strolls into the kitchen, waving his wand he keeps his eyes on the girl as he makes himself a cup of coffee.

"Charlie, dear?"


Molly sighs getting up, "Charlie?"

"Sounds good, yeah." Charlie nods his eyes on the slow rise and fall of Newt's chest not wanting to turn for a second in case it suddenly stops.

"Charles Weasley!"

Charlie jumps dropping the cup in his hands and finally looking away from Newt to find the group sat in the kitchen looking up at him.

"Sorry." He mutters leaning over to collect the broken glass, Molly sighs waving her wand and the cup reappears on the counter filled with a coffee.

Charlie goes to walk back into the living room only for his mother to stop him again, "Charlie this is Newt and Tina, Newt's grandparents."

Charlie freezes turning to see an old couple, the woman smiles up at him kindly while the man looks him up and down, a smile on his face as he nods but a hidden look in his eyes.

"I-It's nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs. Scamander."

"Please, call me, Tina." She says shaking his hand.


Charlie nods at them, his cheeks tinting peek as he mumbles a goodbye and sits on the floor beside Newt again.

Fire and the Flood - Charlie WeasleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora