Leia made quick work of cleaning herself. The last thing she wanted was to be late for when they were ready to leave.

Ava dressed her in silence. Leia wondered if she knew the specifics of what was to happen today. Surely gossip would be rippling through the staff at lightning speed.

When she was finished, Leia slipped out wearing the crimson coat over the simple black dress she had requested for the day.

She ran straight into General Hankins leaving one of the offices on the ground floor. "Lei, are you okay?"

"I–uh," she started. She caught her mother's gaze out of the corner of her eye and she swallowed the lump in her throat. General Hankins was the closest thing to a father growing up. She couldn't risk telling him any of the thoughts that clambered around in her mind. The queen owned him, just as she owned Leia. "I'm fine."

Seven horses were readied and waiting for them and two members of the royal guard by the time they reached the front doors of the castle.

Leia kissed the muzzle of her horse. "Hey Ginny," she said to her childhood horse. "I missed you."

The horse rubbed the side of its face into hers before licking her, something she only did when she felt Leia was in pain.

Leia closed her eyes. "I'm okay." She lied before swinging herself up on the saddle.

A guard came over with her bow and arrow in hand. She felt a curling in her stomach as she took it, looking over to her mother who had a tight smile on her face.

The horses trotted off together. Leia was surprised they didn't ride in a carriage but she supposed it had something with whatever her mother was planning and the need for a swift getaway.

Dakath and his brothers were waiting across the small strip of ocean separating the two lands. What used to be the front of opposing armies trying to cross the lands, was now a dirty wasteland. The grass no longer grew there and the mud was perpetually damp as though completely saturated by the blood of the soldiers. Even the air had a tinged smell of metal and salt.

There was a large strip of limestone that created a road of sorts to bridge the gap between the lands that Dakath must have used his magic to make.

Leia looked back at her brothers. Their pale faces were grim with dread. They were completely unaware of their mother's alternate plan. She expected to feel the familiar sting of tears behind her eyes but there was nothing but a hollow feeling in her chest. If she were to disobey her mother, this would be the last time she saw them. The people would continue to suffer in other ways under her selfish reign and she would be unable to stop her from the Land of Faeries.

She looked at Dakath and his brothers. Their faces were blank as they waited for her. She guided Ginny to the stone. The horse threatened to buck but she shushed her, leaning forward and running a hand on her neck. "It's okay girl. The waves won't get you."

The trip lasted seconds and yet to Leia, it felt like an eternity of mental conflict. Dakath helped her off of Ginny, the curls on the top of his hair were wild and the glint in his eyes were so hopeful that it was enough to make Leia feel an overwhelming rush of guilt.

"Today, we are going to end this." He whispered. He passed a simple wooden cup that was secured in some way with a lid to her, keeping his hand on hers. She knew it was the enchanted water and nodded before she leaned her forehead against his. They did not need to speak, at least she knew that Dakath felt that they didn't need to.

She savored the warmth of his hand and the smell of his skin, that earthly smell that the wind carried to her. That same smell she had been washed in those times he let her in and bared his soul to her.

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