"until we judge that you've started to respect each other and yourselves, you have to attend every class or it will go on your permanent record."

"wait we have permanent records?" ant called out, looking confused.

"this is sex jail!" missy protested with beatriz nodding along with her.

"thanks a lot map bitch." ant huffed then threw a scrunched up piece of paper at amerie, luckily he missed.

beatriz couldn't say she felt sorry for amerie because she did share loads of peoples sex lives to the public but she knew that amerie didn't intend for it to go out to the public.

suddenly the new kid raised his hand up again. "sorry um it's actually my first day. i don't think im supposed to be here." he said shyly.

"legend! made it on the map before you even started!" cheered spider.

"alright everybody up!" woodsy said ignoring the new kids statement. "up up up up up!" everybody groaned and stood up from there seats.

"now clear the tables, lift them up and please don't scrape them along the floor." woodsy instructed but it was too late, beatriz kicked a chair across the room making it scrape loudly.

"my bad miss." she muttered picking up the chair and putting it away, awkwardly.

"thank you." woodsy nodded. "now i want you all to start walking around the room. come on, walking."

the teens slowly stepped forward and started walking around. "now i want you to pick three people to shake hands with."

beatriz obviously shook hands with missy first, then caught sight of ant and shook his hand but instead of shaking back, ant kissed her hand whilst beatriz started chuckling.

"i said shaking hands, anthony and beatriz!" woodsy exclaimed, her words immeadiately broke the two apart as they went there seperate ways.

beatriz saw dusty walking towards her so she grinned and gave him a big hand shake. "nice day isn't it?" dusty asked beatriz.

"yeah, besides from the fact that we are all put in sex jail because of a map that exposes our sex lives, it's a lovely day." she smiled back at the boy making him chuckle.

"and... stop." woodsy commanded, clapping her hands. "spencer, you have genital crabs."

"checks out." muttered darren. both ant and bea shared a look of confusion.

"not in real life, thank you darren." woodsy confirmed, rolling her eyes at the immature class. "but for the purposes of the game."

"ohhh." both bee and ant said in unison, looking straight at each other.

"put your hand up, please spencer." he crossed is arms in protest. "hand up spencer."

spencer put his hand up huffing at the embarrassment. "now hands up who shook hands with spencer."

ant shot up his arm enthusiastically whilst dusty was a bit hesitant to raise his hand but he still did. "and who shook hands with them?" beatriz and a few others raised their hands.

"and who shook hands with them." even more ppl raised their hand. "and them." now everyone besides amerie, had their hands up.

"you all have genital warts." woodsy stated, smiling at the students. everyone groaned at that.

"i thought it was crabs?" the new kid asked.

"right, crabs, thank you um?" woodsy nodded.

"malakai." he answered. beatriz made a mental note to talk to him after class.

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