The Shadow of Death

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Casimiro is talking to a tall figure. They are human, but their shadow shows the shape of something else. Casimiro shows them the Gatito Pendant.

Riesgo/Alejandro : Excellent job, Sombra.
(Takes the pendant and places it on his jacket, which glows orange for a second, before returning to normal)
I can already feel the power... Did you have any trouble getting this? I should know if you made us any enemies.

Casimiro : Actually...yeah. Puss in Boots is here, too. He - and his friends - tried to stop me. They were no problem, though.

Riesgo : Puss in Boots...Shame, he would've made a great ally. And we will need his help in the future. He's one of the few that can activate the pendants' powers. Well, I would have double crossed him anyway.

Casimiro : You...haven't told me about this before...How come Puss can activate it? He has no magic - I thought that was necessary to even access the powers.

Riesgo : That is true. However, a select few individuals can still harness the pendants. You are one of those individuals, and so is Puss.

Casimiro : Then why can't I activate them?

Riesgo : The activation needs a sacrifice. I don't want to put you through that. But since Puss is already against us...then we'll want him to suffer. This way we can win in the most satisfying way possible. But now, we need to locate the Serpent Pendant.

__ __ __

Puss slowly turned around sensing a dark shadow behind him. His eyes widen as he realises it is Lobo Muerte. The wolf snarls, hitting his sickle's together.

Death : Corrie, Gato, but I will always catch up.

Puss : Lobo... you're back. I-I'm not dead yet : why are you here??

Death : I already explained this..
You, little legend, wasted your first 8 lives. And now I'm here to punish you for it.

Puss : Then...once again, I will fight for this one!
(tries to draw sword but it isn't there)

Death : I already gave you that chance. But you chose to run. You hid in the wish for 8 more lives. But now you've wasted them - again. And once again, I stood by and watched.

Death disappears, transferring to Kitty.

Kitty : I-I thought I could trust you.. I thought you'd be the one person I could trust! But you ran. You took the wish and you left us!! You're nothing more than a coward.

Puss : But I didn't! I fought Death and I came out on top! I'm not the old Puss! I'm not the Puss in Boots that would leave you!

Kitty : Keep lying to yourself. Keep running. But one day it'll all catch up to you.

Puss : No!

__ __ __

Puss wakes up sharply. Kitty is standing over him.

Kitty : Hola, sleepyhead. We've tracked down Casimiro. Well, where he's headed next.

Puss : Really? Where?
(gets up quickly)
We have to go.

Donkey : Farquad's abandoned castle! He's after the Serpent Pendant, next.

Puss : I wonder what trickery he will be up to... the Serpent Pendant - it will probably help him.

Kitty : Huh? How would it help him?

Puss : When he had the Gatito Pendant, his strength was enhanced. He was much stronger than in our previous fight... the only change was a magic pendant.

Kitty : But didn't he say that you would need magic to use the pendant's power? You're just outta shape.

Puss : I am not!

Perrito : I'm sorry Puss but you might be. How long did you stay at Mama Luna's for? She fed us a lot...

Kitty : Mama Luna's? What's that?

Puss : Uh.. nothing! What was that last part Perrito? Oh, you didn't say anything, did you?

Perrito : (confused)
Oh no, I didn't. I was just thinking out loud...
(ears drop because he lied)

Donkey : You're acting suspicious...

Kitty : Yeah...

Puss : I told you! We have to be going!

Donkey : Woah, calm down! What's up, Puss?

Puss : Nothing. Stop messing around, Donkey.

__ __ __

Puss, Donkey, Perrito and Kitty arrive at Farquad's castle. Donkey and Puss look up with chills.

Kitty : What's wrong, you two? It's just a castle. You two scared of an abandoned tower?

Puss : No! It's not like that..

Donkey : I mean if you even heard about the guy, you'd be scared silly.

Puss : The last time we were here...

Donkey : You never even met the guy! How would you be scared?

Puss : I am not! If you had let me finish, I would have said: 'the last time we were here, you sprayed me with water!'. That's much more terrifying than Lord Farquad. Not that I am afraid - or was.

Kitty : Stop lying to us. Even the bravest of our kind flee in feet from the water spray
(laughs slightly)

Perrito : Let's go in. Casimiro will be here soon - if he isn't already.

Kitty : (smiles proudly)
Perrito! Where's that fighting spirit coming from?

Perrito : That guy hurt Puss. I won't let him get away with it!

Puss : (smiles proudly)
Then, let's head forwards!

Perrito : Yeah, let's go, Team Friendship!

Kitty : And I have quickly lost all motivation.

Puss and Kitty open the door to Farquad's castle together. They look up at the darkness ahead.

Author's note : 1 - I really need to start remembering to do these BEFORE I publish.
Anyway, a bit less action bc of how long Puss' nightmare was.
And, like I've stated in previous parts, I think the characters deserve a break from time to time. (Even if that break involves nightmares). It helps relationships grow.

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