Chapter 26

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Aizawas PoV

"God DAMN it Nezu, where the fuck could he be?! He wasn't at their base and Kurogiri doesn't ask names when he warps people, there are no traces of him! It's as if he just disappeared from the face of earth!"
"Please calm down Aizawa, we are currently hacking the cameras of Musutafu and look-"

A loud ringing and buzzing interrupted Nezu, looking at the interfering object I saw an incoming call from Naomasa, 'what does he want?' I answer the call and put him on speaker.
"WE HAVE A LEAD! Drop by the station as soon as you guys can and we will explain everything!" Then he hung up. I looked up at the rat and he smiled,
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Haris PoV

I had just finished helping the kid clean himself up when I got a text message from Kai.

Take care of Izuku, get him
into new clothes and take him
to the garden or the library,
let him choose.
15:36. seen.

Alright Kai
15:36. seen.

"Are you okay Midoriya? What happened?" I asked while walking with him towards Kai's room to present him with new clothes. "Yes, sorry.. It was just too much.."
'Too much? He ate so little though?' "You don't have to force yourself to eat if you can't," I opened the door for him and walked in after. "You want to go to the library or garden after you change?" I asked handing him some clean clothes which he thanked me for before answering that he preferred the garden and wandering into the bathroom to change.

We're going to the garden
15:52. seen.

When Midoriya came out in a fresh set of clothes we headed off into the direction of the garden.

Izukus PoV

When I stepped into the garden I couldn't believe my eyes, it was beautiful! The walls were made of red bricks which had ivy and moss crawling all over them, all around there were many flower bushes. On the left there was a small koi pond with a decorative bridge across it and in the centre of the entire garden stood an old oak tree and hanging from one of the branches was a cute wooden rope swing. Glancing up I saw a fake dome sunroof that gave the plants all of the light they need.

"Aah hahaha sugoiii!!" My eyes glittered as I admired the underground garden, "It's beautiful!",
"Yea, it's got quite the charm to it," I jumped when I heard Hari speak. I forgot he was there. "Sorry for frightening you, how about I push you on the swing?" I nodded and smiled a small smile.

I stepped towards the swing admiring all of the pretty blossoms. When I set my weight down onto the swing it rocked slightly but not worryingly as the branch bounced right back into its place, it may be old but it's sturdy. Hari came behind me lightly pushing my back.

The light swinging was enough to make me doze off but Hari didn't let me fall asleep, "you okay Midoriya?" I nod my head affirmatively before asking "You guys kidnapped me yet you're so kind, why?"
"We don't have any intentions on hurting you, Kai just wants you to be protected from this cruel world that you were forced to see so much of and we want you to be happy, we also would like to apologise for sending that ... pedofile to collect you, we weren't aware he was that was, but there is no need to worry anymore, he has been dealt with accordingly by Kai," he stopped pushing the swing, "I hope you can forgive us for our mistake kiddo." He bowed in front of me as an apology,
"It's okay Hari this isn't the first time and it wasn't your fault, I won't be able to forget what happened but I can forgive you for not knowing about him."

'I don't want to be here now..' I look at Hari and open my mouth to speak but decide against it, I don't want to be a burden to him..
"Is something wrong Midoriya?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice. I shook my head signalling that I'm fine. "You sure? Do you want to leave? Or would you like me to leave you alone?" I hesitate a second, he reads me like an open book, I nod slowly, "May we leave? I'd like to rest if that's possible."
"Of course Midoriya, let's go."

When we got to Kai's room he let me in and left me to myself. I looked around the room in the corner was a bookshelf with a window next to it, next to the window was the king sized bed on top of a fluffy white rug. In the other corner was the soft beanbag I was placed on the night before, the plushies and pillows still decorating it.

'It's really soft.. maybe I could take a nap?'

Third PoV - At The Station

Naomasas door burst open once again, "What's the lead Nao- You, what are you doing here?!" Aizawa pointed at the fluffy black-haired man. The man put his hands up in a surrendering manner, "I'm here for the same reason as you, I know I have no right but I was under a quirk and couldn't control my mind, I just want to find my s- Izuku and make sure he's safe."
Aizawa glared at him and reluctantly nodded turning back to Naomasa, "What is it?"
"Well Hisashi here knows who the exploded guy was, Y'know the guy that kidnapped Izuku, maybe we can use his name to figure out if he worked for anyone, that's a job for you Nezu, you can use my iPad if needed."

Nezu jumped out from Aizawas capture weapon and got to work after asking for the name.
" was Izuku? ...Is it bad?"  Aizawa hesitated a second before nodding, "he's terrified but was getting better, we're going to get him therapy with Hound Dog when we get him back, we can explain what happened with you to him, if he wants to see you again we'll let him, we're not gonna ban him from seeing you just because you were shitty, we can send you a few photos of him if you want."
Hisashi nodded, "I'd like that, thank you."

Holy shit, this was supposed to be out last week but I got really bloody sick and could barely stand, I'm better now, anyways I hope you're enjoying the story!

Psycho~Chan~ Out~

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