Chapter 22

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I'd like to thank cwolals32 for the amazing fan art!

I'd like to thank cwolals32 for the amazing fan art!

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Now onto the story!

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Now onto the story!

Third PoV

Izuku laid on the bed, used and emotionless. His wings lay under him, broken. Izuku was in so much pain and yet, he didn't make a sound. You can't see in this room. The black curtains block out the light in the black room but even so Izuku knew the culprit stood in front of him admiring his work.

Zenaku saw Izuku very well. His quirk was rabbit senses. He didn't have any rabbit ears or tail, but he could see in the dark and his sexual desire was high. The mans nose twitched when he heard someone coming towards the door. He swiftly covered himself and bowed facing the door. Izuku was still staring into black.

The door opened and light flooded in making Izuku close his eyes.
"Thank you sir"
"Yes sir"
Zenaku left the room leaving Izuku at the hands of this mysterious man.
"Look at me little bird"
Izuku turned his head to the sound of the voice and stared at him bluntly.
"You poor little thing~ your feathers seem to be a bit ruffled~ let me help~"
The strange man grabbed the ropes and cut them off of Izuku, yet he still didn't move.
"Ah~ still as obedient as ever~"
He grabbed Izukus arm and ripped him off the bed. His wings flopping against his body, limp. The beautiful golden-green feathers now covered in layers of spit, cum and blood. The man threw Izuku over his shoulder and carried him to another room, where he dumped Izukus body onto... something soft?

Izukus PoV

As I felt my body land on something surprisingly soft I opened my eyes and looked next to me. There lay many pillows and plushies.
'What the hell is going on??'
I look at the man with confusion. The man was surprisingly tall with brown hair, a strong physique and a mask covering his face. The man clearly felt me looking at him as he turned and crouched down to be closer to my hight.

"Don't worry darling~ I'm not gonna hurt you~" he moves his hands to my wings "they're so beautiful~ such a shame they got so ruffled~" the man stood up.
"How about you don't ruffle my feathers and move so we can clean them~"
I stood up and waited. The man lead me to a bathroom and told me to strip. I didn't move. I didn't have anything on anyways. When he realised that he made me turn around and not move. I flinched when I felt the rush of warm water down my back.
'I've never had a warm shower before'

The man sensually washed my hair before starting on my wings. He was so gentle I could barely feel him.
'Why's he so gentle?'
After half an hour my wings were washed and shining again.
I didn't say anything. Saying something could end up with a punishment. He dried me with a soft towel like a mother dries a child, before picking me up and placing me onto his hip. He carried me to the beanbag again and left the room.

'....What was that about..?'
'Maybe he's getting you ready to be sold~'

Dadzawas PoV

"Shota, darling, please calm down. I know you're worried but please let's be rational."
My husband was holding me back from jumping at Nezu.
"How am I supposed to be calm when my son was kidnapped and this rat doesn't want to help!"
"Darling, it's not that he doesn't want to help, he just hadn't found anything to help us yet"
I glare at the rat that was sitting infront of his computer, sipping tea.
I get out of 'Zashis grip and climb out the window in the office.

Time skip brought to you by erm... ooo the people that bought alcohol to our ball

I was jumping from rooftop to rooftop when I suddenly saw a guy splattered against a wall of an alleyway. I'm on the bad side of town so I'm not too surprised but this guys looks as if he had an explosive go off inside of him... how did it go inside him though? A quirk? Maybe.

I call Detective Tsukauchi and give him my location while jumping down to the body, we'll the parts of it. Yea it had to be a quirk, there's no metal anywhere and no signs of where the explosion could have been. I grab the guys wallet and check his ID card.

'Ironic, your name means immortal and yet here you are splattered against the wall' 'With that quirk you could've been a great hero, why aren't you one?'

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'Ironic, your name means immortal and yet here you are splattered against the wall'
'With that quirk you could've been a great hero, why aren't you one?'

Third PoV

"Dinner is served little bird~"
The creepy man brought food to Izuku. It was just a small bowl of rice. The size of a child's meal.
"Oh~~ and don't worry about Zenaku anymore~ he's been dealt with~"
He said with an odd look in his eyes and started feeding Izuku.
"Hey~ little bird~"
Izuku looked up.
"Let me brush your feathers~~ they're so pretty and yet so uncared for~"
Izuku just nodded and the man grinned.
'Is this man even a villain?'

Is he a villain or is he not? That's for you to decide~ hope you like this chapter.
Psycho~Chan Out~

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