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Okay here is a description of the book-

Finney had an abusive father he had two bipolar people in the house which is his brother Finley and his mother Laura, he had a nice yet fucked up sister and a nice younger sister. There was no one there to take care of who so Finney decided to take care of everything.

The only reason he did it was so the police wouldn't come and arrest his parent and sent his siblings to Juvie or Jail ( for reasons) and put him and his sister in an orphanage or something so he was in control although he hurt himself while doing it but he didn't care as long as everyone was together he's fine with just hurting himself a bit.

but let me tell you this it didn't last long shit went down in that household it involved guns, weed, money, pills, achole and more after shit went down Finney and his sister Gwen were the only one standing as his older siblings had unalive themself do to the things that were happening.

Than one day after his siblings unalive themselves Finney was 6 and Gwen was 5 he had found his mother dead on the floor her face was pale her body was cold and there was a gun in her hands after that day they went to live with his abusive father.

From than on Finney and Gwen were abused non stop day after day hit after hit it was starting to get normal until Finney had gone missing on March 18 1977 he was 12 and he was missing soon another kid went missing than another than another than it was kid after kid.

            Until something weird happened Finney woke up on his bed and it was march 4 1977 which means he went back into the past which is approximately 14 days before he was missing and everything seems fine not a thing out of the usual but Finney has to find a way to not be dead once again...

Now will he be successfully it and not die or will he died again? Will he meet a group of teenagers who like him???

Who knows now!

(here's info on the characters)

Robin Arellano:
- Robin is the second strongest kid in the school he is friends
with Vance hopper
- Died when he was in the basement by the grabber
- he heard the phone ring every time but nothing but breaths
and screams
- Robin dad had died
- he is calm most of the time
- he likes to play in the arcade
- hates moose
- he fights a lot with moose
- his crush is Finney
- his age is 14

Vance hopper:
- First strongest kid in school his friend is Robin
- badass and doesn't give a fuck about anything or anyone
- loves his pinball machine
- his nickname is pinball Vance
- he fights a lot
- went to juvie a lot but stop do to the cops not caring anymore
- he doesn't care who he fights where he fights or how he fights
- he died in the basement
- anger issues
- he hears the phone ringing as well but he just hears whisper
and it pisses him off
- his age is 14
- his crush Finney

Bruce Yamada -
- the popular kid
- baseball player
- doesn't get to much trouble
- likes history and math
- he is a perfectionist to everyone
- he works hard
- he doesn't get bully
- he minds his business
- hates vance cause he is a dick to him sometimes
- he also here's the phone ring but it's nothing but muffles
- his age is 14
- crush Finney

Billy showalter:
- loner
- has no friends
- is invisible to half of the school
- good grades
- hates math
- has a dog name Harper
- gets bullied sometimes
- his mother is working all day
- his father left when he was a baby
- he has a job
- delivers news paper
- his nickname is paper boy
- he as well hears the phone ring but all he hears in just crying
- his age is 13
- his crush Finney

Griffin Stagg-
- loner (as well)
- his father left him when he was 3
- his mother didn't care about him
- he gets bullied a bit
- he is 100% invisible
- he likes science and history
- he hates insects
- he is kind
- he is a smart ass at times
- he hears the phone ring as well and he just hear sobbing and
he sometimes hear the a voice but it's to shaky to understand
what the person is saying
- he is 13
- his crush is Finney

Finney Blake:
- daddy issues (like me😔✊)
- a bit of mommy issues
- abusive father
- two of his family member are bipolar
- saw his dead mother on the floor
- gets beaten everyday cause it's so called his fault for everything
- no friends
- his two sibling unalive themselves
- was raped
- was kidnapped
- protects those he loves even if he's hurt mentally and physically
- gets bullied
- is invisible to the school and to everyone in the neighborhood
- likes science, math, rockets and space
- hates his father
- has a lovable sister Gwen
- is smart
- age 13
- his crush is Vance, Bruce, Robin, griffin and billy

And yeah that's it now ima sleep cause it's 1:51 currently
(Oh it's gonna be a while before I post the book because everything is in one chapter)

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