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A/N - Shorter chapter again! 😅 Next part will be up either later today or tomorrow!

The ringing in my ears wouldn't stop as the sky went from deep navy blue to being lit by the red and blue sirens surrounding everything. This was looking like something I had seen before when I was trying to help Sidney with her... loss.

My knees were beginning to bruise from how much I was shaking, kneeling, and never taking my eyes off of her. My best friend of 10 years was hanging, lifeless in a tree in front of me. I lifted my hand in front of my face, looking at the dark sticky substance on my hands. It hardly felt real. I managed to get off of my knees and turned towards Casey's parents, who were being questioned about Cas.

A familiar young man came up from beside me and softly brushed my shoulder, getting my attention. "Dewey?" I said softly, barely being able to get a word out of my throat. "Y/n, you've been staring at her for 20 minutes. The ambulance needs to take a look at you. Do you remember what happened?" Dewey softly replied, blocking the view of my close friend.

I remembered everything. The smell of burning popcorn, the phone calls, the sound of broken glass, that unbearable ringing in my ears, the strange whisper. Everything. For some reason, though, I couldn't bring myself to tell Dewey about it. "No, I can't remember Dewey," Dewey looked at me with an understanding look. He called over the EMTs and they decided they would give me a shock blanket. They checked my vitals and laid me on a stretcher and took me away, with oxygen hooked up. Everything was still spinning a little bit.

They set me up inside the ambulance, a place where the news vans couldn't come and interview for their next "top story". They sat me up as they did the basic procedures. I was so numb, I couldn't feel it as they cleaned the area around my stab wound, which was previously making me cower over in pain. They decided to take me to the hospital to fix the stab wound.

"Hey, Y/n," Dewey walked up to the ambulance doors, raising his eyebrows in regular Dewey fashion. "Yeah, Dewey?" I asked, wondering what he was about to tell me. "I uh- called Billy. I hope that was okay." A huge sigh of relief came from me as Billy was the only person that would properly comfort me. "That helps a lot, Dewey." He gave a slight smile and nodded. He then walked away as I watched 2 stretchers roll past me, covered in black body bags. That was when the reality of the attack and the view really clicked in my mind.

I heard a car pull up and fully expected it to be another news van. I heard a car door open and slam, making me flinch a little, as it seemed to be thrown with the same level of anger I had felt before, when I had that landline phone glued to my hand. Before the driver could say anything, there was officers already surrounding them.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't be here right now. This is an official crime scene!" The officers started pushing him away as they were yelling at him. The voice that followed made me immediately open my eyes wide again, taking a deep breath. "What the fuck happened to my sister? Where is she?" Billy had came to the scene after Dewey called him.

The EMTs had given me some meds and water to help with my throat, so I could actually make a decently loud scream when and if I needed to. "Billy?" I yelled out of the ambulance as I heard fast footsteps towards the doors. Before I could say anything else, Billy was only a couple of feet away from me, with the EMTs asking who he was to me.

Within the next second I had wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. I hadn't even noticed, but tears had begun to fall as I calmed my breathing while trying to focus on his heartbeat. He hugged back as he stroked my back, comforting me.

After a minute, I finally released him from the hug and wiped my face with the blanket that was next to me. "What the fuck happened Y/n? You were supposed to go home after practice!" He said in a frustrated tone. "Casey-" I paused as my throat closed and I couldn't breathe. Billy noticed, and managed to calm me down and got me a cold bottle of water.

At this point, the ambulance had closed the back door and started the engine. They commented on the fact that I was 'holding steady' and I was doing really well, because they managed to stop the bleeding since the knife missed all major arteries and shit.

I was silent the whole ride to the hospital, just thinking about what had happened. I was going to find out who the fuck this killer was, and I was going to rip them open myself.

The Perfect Illusion || Randy Meeks x Y/n Loomis (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now