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I trotted over towards the TV happily as I asked Casey, "What movie are we watching first, Cas?" Her little boyfriend Steve couldn't come over because of football practice so she just called me because she didn't want to waste the $30 she spent on the rental movies from Bradley Video. I would've given her my card to use my employee discount, but this was sort of a last minute thing, and today was my day off.

I looked down at the pile of horror movies she had spread out on the counter as she walked over to me. "I'm not sure yet, which one do you want to watch first?" Casey said. There had been plenty of movies on the countertop, but my eyes immediately darted towards Halloween, and I'm not sure why, because I never really had a strong urge like that before. "What about Halloween? You know, with Michael Myers?" I asked. "Sure." Casey walked over, picked up all of the movies, put Halloween on top and walked to the living room to put them on the coffee table. My heart had randomly felt a jolt as a sound seemed to echo throughout the house we were in.

Her house's landline was ringing.

Casey looked over at me, as if asking if she should let it ring or if she should answer. I nodded my head, letting her know to answer it. "Maybe it's your lover boy saying that he can come over. Maybe I can go home and take a nap." Casey stared at me and rolled her eyes, as she picked up the phone. I walked into the living room, and took a seat on the couch.

Her and Steve had only been dating for a couple of months. She mentioned she had only gotten with him because she was trying to move on from her previous relationship, with my brother's best friend, Stu Macher.

"Hello?" She said into the speaker.
"Hello?" The voice on the other end mumbled.
"Yes?" Casey said.
"Who is this?" The voice said in a questioning tone.
"Who are you trying to reach?" Casey asked.
"What number is this?" The voice sounded confused.
"Well, what number are you trying to reach?" Casey asked, still wondering who it was.
"I don't know" I was willing to bet that he did know, but I didn't say anything.
"Well I think you have the wrong number" She stated, sounding confident.
"Do I?" The voice said in a sort of seductive tone. Casey didn't notice the tone, but I sure did.
"It happens. Take it easy!" She said politely, hanging up.

"Who was it?" I asked her. "I'm not sure, just some guy who didn't know who he was calling" Casey responded. "Soooo, not your lover boy?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her. "Nope." She said, sounding kind of disappointed. She walked to the kitchen and put the landline on the counter, then turned around, walked into the living room, asking, "Can you make some popcorn?"

Popcorn. My specialty. I hopped up from my spot on the couch and jogged over to the cabinet, where I grabbed a Jiffy pop pan and ripped the cardboard off of it and put it on the flaming stove. I started to turn when I heard the sound again.

The landline? Again?

"I got it!" I said as I walked over to where she placed the landline on the counter. I picked it up, pressed the button, and placed the phone to my ear. "Hello? Who is this?" I asked. Silence. "Hellooo?" I called out into the speaker. Even more silence. But there was something weird about the call. There was static, and not just static you hear when a TV gets turned to the wrong station, but static on the phone if someone had one of those mobile burner phones.


I froze. I pulled the phone away from my ear as my heart started to race. I covered the speaker and stared at Stu, my partner. "What's wrong, Billy?" Stu asked. I could barely speak. Y/n was supposed to drive home after her practice got done. Fuck. I knew I should've picked her up. The plan is starting to go way wrong. What will I do?

"Billy?" Stu brought me back to the reality of it. "Y/n is here. She came here after practice." I said. "Oh shit. What will we do?" Stu was right. What were we going to do. I started running through a new plan in my head. Got it. "We go through with the plan. You get Casey while I make sure Y/n isn't near you. I don't want her to get hurt if she doesn't have to." My sister is the most important person in my life right now. She's even more important than my girlfriend, Sidney.

I decided that I would call in a couple of minutes after planning everything out.


I hung the phone up and turned to Casey. "No one talked." I told her. Casey looked at me and shrugged it off. The popcorn had just started popping and the tin had started to puff up, but it still had a couple of minutes until I could take it off. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the fucking noise came on again.

The landline again!

I got frustrated, stomped my foot on the floor, and walked over, and picked up the phone.

"Hello??" I tried to hide the anger in my voice.
"You aren't the same girl, are you?" The voice rumbled.
"No. I am not the same girl."
"What, your friend didn't want to talk to me?"
"Well, she's busy right now," That was a lie.
"Oh, is she?" He sounded like he knew she wasn't. Creep.
"Yeah." My heart randomly started racing. The soft popcorn popping started getting louder and louder.
"What's that noise?" The voice asked.
"What? The popcorn?" I said smiling.
"Oh you're making popcorn?" He said questioning.
"Uh yeah?" Kind of a weird way to ask a question since I just confirmed.
"I only eat popcorn at the movies."

I sighed. My brother also only eats popcorn at the movies. It was so annoying because the popcorn I made was so good as a snack.

"Well me and-" I paused. I almost said Casey's name out loud.
"-my friend were planning on watching scary movies all night." I continued.
"Now that you say that, what's your favorite scary movie?" He asked.
"Ummm, I'm not sure," I said, racking my brain for a lie to come up with.
"Oh come on! You have to have a favorite!" He said, persistent.
"Umm... Halloween!" I lied. My favorite was actually The Silence of The Lambs.
"You know, with the creepy guy that walks around, stalking babysitters, and is close to immortal." I described the movie.
"Can you guess my favorite?"
Shit. I could name a million different movies right now. I had to go with the most common one to sound like a normal person.
"Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"Is that the one that had knives for fingers?"
"Yeah. His name is Freddy Krueger."
"Freddy! That's right!"
There was a moment of silence before I heard the voice again.
"I liked that movie. It was scary."
"Yeah I watched the first one with my brother and I couldn't sleep for nearly a week. The other movies sucked." I said. I probably shouldn't be talking about my family to this random guy, but at least he knows I have a brother that can beat his ass.

Casey looked at me and put the movie into the VCR but didn't push it in all the way, waiting for the popcorn to be done. "So, does your friend have a boyfriend?" He asked. I covered the speaker and moved it away from my mouth. "Creepy guy wants to know if you have a boyfriend," I told her.

I uncovered the speaker and spoke again. "You wanna ask her out on a date?" I asked. "Maybe. Does she have a boyfriend?" He asked. She shook her head, telling me to say she's single. I looked at her and I rolled my eyes. "No. She doesn't," I said. "And what about you?" He asked. "No. I don't have a boyfriend either," I said. He chuckled and it sent shivers down my spine. My instincts were really strong in this moment as if I was prey getting chased by a predator.

Something was wrong.

The Perfect Illusion || Randy Meeks x Y/n Loomis (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now