Li Shu crossed his arms, stared at Liu Qiaozhi for a while, then lowered his voice and said to Zhi Zhi: "She should have memorized the whole book of quotations. If you think about the content of her speech carefully, it is basically She was shouting slogans in vain and commending her previous achievements, but she never mentioned what she wanted to do after joining the student union..."

As he said that, Li Shu explained again, "Zhi Zhi, we have to be careful with this person, not only don't work with her, but also keep an eye on her all the time, and don't let her stab her..." Zhi Zhi said: "

She You are neither a member nor a party member, so you have very few opportunities to work with us."

"That can't be taken lightly," Li Shu said.

Zhizhi deeply agrees.

After the re-selection activities were completed, the others left, and Zhi Zhi and the regiment head stayed to familiarize themselves with the work. Li Shu asked her to wait here to meet her. He had to go to Professor Jin to get the textbooks for his freshmen and sophomores as agreed, and then come to pick her up after he got the textbooks...

Zhi Zhi agreed.

She used to be the deputy director of the Educated Youth Office in Nanling, and she was very handy in handling the work of the regiment department, and quickly completed the handover with the students in the regiment department. But before Li Shu arrived, Zhi Zhi went to the door of the auditorium and stood there waiting.

The latitude of Huai'an is higher than that of Nanling, so the climate is distinct throughout the year.

It's early September, and although it's generally hot, mornings and evenings are cold. The flower gardens and green villages on campus are blooming and green in this last and best season.

The school auditorium is the most beautiful building in the entire campus. Not to mention the tall and foreign style, there are many flowers and plants beside it, which is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Zhi Zhi saw many people standing in front of the auditorium...taking pictures?

She stepped aside quickly.

"Zhizhi! Zhizhi, come here!" Someone called her not far away.

Zhizhi saw that it was Bai Xiaochan, a classmate?

Zhi Zhi passed by.

Bai Xiaochan said to Zhizhi: "The Propaganda Department of the Student Union said that they can take pictures for us, Zhizhi, come... the four of us together!"

Zhizhi didn't refuse.

So she, Bai Xiaochan, Zhang Enxia, ​​and Du Wenzhou found a background to stand on. Bai Xiaochan ran to find a classmate with a camera and asked him to help take a group photo of the four students who were new to the student union of the seventh and second-level marine biology majors.

Just at this time, Li Shu also hurried over with a large bundle of old books.

Bai Xiaochan already knew Li Shu, so she quickly booed, "Zhi Zhi, why don't you take a picture with your lover too!" Of course

Zhi Zhi wanted to take a photo with Li Shu, but she was a little afraid of wasting the film, so she asked the person in charge of taking pictures Classmate, "Student, can you take another photo for us?"

The classmate in charge of taking pictures looked at the number of photographed films displayed next to the shutter of the camera and nodded, "No problem, you can take the last one!"

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