"What are you bringing her into the locker room for?" One of the older boys on the team questioned Cedric. He only shrugged before speaking up.

"She's filling in as a seeker for us today. No big deal."

"Looks like we're rivals now Draco." I playfully said to the blonde who surprisingly scoffed at me and folded his arms.

"Don't address me like we're friends, filthy half blood!" He snapped, making my eyebrows come together in confusion. 'We had such a great time last night, weren't we friends?'

"But," I hesitantly began, "We are friends though?" He chuckled cockily while looking over at his friends before making eye contact with me.

"Don't tell me you actually think we're friends now after one dance. I went with you to rebel against my parents. Now that's over with, there's no reason we need to speak with one another."

"But-" I tried to speak up, except he cut me off giggling.

"Man, she really is an American Psycho isn't she? Thinking we're on a talking basis. Bloody ridiculous." His words hurt enough to make tears tug at the corner of my eyes. Him and is stupid friends began laughing, which pissed me off. Without thinking twice I slapped Malfoy across his beautiful face, causing everyone to go silent out of shock.

"You're the one being fucking ridiculous, you dick!" I shouted before storming off into the locker rooms. Cedric followed close behind and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. His mouth opened to say something but I wasn't in the mood to hear it right now. "Don't you dare say I told you so." There was a long pause of silence before he finally figured out something else to say.

"I'm sorry, [y/n]. Are you still up for playing in the match? You don't have to."

"And beat Malfoy at his own game? Hell yes I am." And with that, Cedric helped me obtain my gear and prepare for today's match.


I was high up in the air now, gripping onto my broom for dear life. I forgot just how high up these matches were until now. My eyes moved from the ground below to Malfoy, who was positioned directly across from me and my eyes narrowed. 'No backing out now. I have a point to prove.' I thought and a second later the match began. People who filled the stands began to cheer obnoxiously and players on both teams began to move.

I took the tactic of flying higher up on my broom, getting a birds eye view of the arena. The golden stitch was far harder to find than I had originally anticipated, but Draco was in the same boat I was, not being able to find it for the life of us. That is, until it whipped right passed my right ear from behind and in an instant I was off, chasing after the thing.

My sudden movement caught Draco's attention and he began heading in the same direction I was. I didn't let my eye's wander from the golden orb, even as Malfoy brought his shoe to my broom, kicking it to get me off balance. Although, he hadn't kicked it nearly as hard as I had assumed he would. It was almost like he did it just for show and not to actually throw me off.

The long chase went on, Malfoy and I neck to neck. Suddenly, the snitch dropped low to the ground, forcing us to follow. We were close enough to the grass to be able to touch it with our feet if we let them dangle from the platforms of our brooms. I reached my hand out, so close to capturing the snitch. Then Malfoy bumped into me slightly, creating more distance between the snitch and myself. 'Dick!' I thought, having the dignity to not do it back to him, although I was tempted.

Once again I was so close to grabbing the snitch, reaching my arm out once more. A Slytherin voice from above rang into both of our ears as my fingertips danced on the edge of the golden orb.

"Cut her off Draco!" The older Slytherin yelled out. Worry flooded my mind. We were going too fast, if he were to cut me off now we'd both end up in a hospital wing! For the first time this entire game I let my eyes drift from the golden snitch and gave Draco a worried glance. It looked like he didn't want to do it, I truly believed he didn't. But, unfortunately for me, he did. Malfoy turned his broom directly in front of my own, causing the two of us to crash into one another. My hands balled into fists in the air as we both went tumbling off our brooms and onto the ground just barely below. Gasps filled the arena.

I cried out in pain at a burning sensation in the leg. Malfoy had fallen on top of me, so when I opened my eyes his figure blocked my view of my leg. But I was sure it was broken. My eyes squeezed shut and teeth gritted against each other as I hissed. I felt the blonde's weight leave me quickly and in a whisper I heard his voice, Making me squint open my [e/c] eyes.

"Bloody hell! I'm so sorry [y/n]! I was just doing what I was tol-" But his whispers were cut off as he was pushed away by not only the medic but Snap as well, both looking awfully worried.

"Are you alright?" Snap asked me in a tone which just barely had a hit of worry in it. But I was in too much pain to answer.

"Her leg is broken." the nurse confirmed my suspicion, making tears freely fall down my face. "That's alright, nothing a little magic in the hospital wing won't fix." She tried to reassure me. But I was still hurt, not only physical, but emotionally as well. 'How could he do this to me the day after taking me to the ball?' My fists tightened at the through and that's when I realized I had something in my hand, and I knew immediately just what it was. Locking eyes with Draco who stood speechless off to the side I did my best to mimic his cocky smirk.

"I still beat you, asshole." I breathed out and opened my fist to reveal the snitch. My brain blocked out out all the cheers and what the announcer had to say about Hufflepuff winning the game. But I did take note of the shocked expression Snap held. Was it because I had actually managed to get the snitch or because I had openly cursed in front of him, I had no idea. And quite frankly I was in too much pain to even care. All I knew was Malfoy was apparently two faced and that I was in desperate need of medical help.

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