Pt. 4

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Ahh, thank goodness for another beautiful day. Its Saturday, 9:33 am and I have one class at 12 pm.

I'm honestly loving my college experience. I live in a cute comfy spacious 1 bedroom apartment with all of my necessities, I have all of my own shit, pay my own bills, I run a small business, and have a few other revenue streams.

I like to do my morning routine before checking my phone so I didn't notice I had notifications until around 10:30.

12 new followers on twitter,
3 cashapp notifications and a text from my mom.

It was a little interesting Cat hadn't said anything yet, but whatever. I go on with my morning and get ready for class.


I take my usual seat in the third from the last row and notice Cat isn't here.

"Hmm" I mutter and take a sip of my warm and creamy cinnamon cocoa through my metal straw.

Flipping to a fresh sheet of paper and beginning to doodle as I always do in the first five minutes of class, I notice movement to my left.

Who do I sense but the Cat himself, in all his sexy and somewhat arrogant glory.

Adorned like a ghetto angel in a crisp white tee, two shining gold chains, black jeans, fresh white vans, and a nice gold watch, he even has bottom golds. And a divine cologne.....

As I said before, he is fine.
My mouth is watering and my lower regions were clenching in my black leggings.
Its only the morning and I want this nigga all over me.

"Hey Numi." is what I hear as i flip my head to the side, our eye contact has me burning up.

"hi Cat" I say "grand rising"

"Grand rising indeed. Thank you for the sweet dream incentive"

I'm guessing he meant the picture I sent. I'm smiling but silent for a moment. "Well, I wouldn't have known since I got no feedback till now"

"I was surprised, I meditated on it." he pauses then asks "What are you doing after class?"

I cock my head to the right and make my thinking face.
"Most likely go back to my place, meditate and create something, the usual."

I had a feeling he might be insinuating something but he didn't say anything after that because the lights dimmed and professor Ex began lecturing.

In the midst of note taking a piece of paper is placed on my desk from the side of me.

"would you be interested in playing a strategic game of connect four while getting incredibly high?" it read.

I smile because come on, is this middle school?

I write beneath the question.

"absolutely." and put it on Cat's desk.


werd count: 432

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