Pt. 1

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I was in class right, minding my pretty Black business, indulging in what Professor Ex was saying in the moment when I noticed a brown face I had not seen before seated one row and two seats away from me.

My eyes trailed over this face curiously... how had I not seen this masterpiece before?

His body language was so nonchalant, it was so sexy. As the thought crosses my mind he turns and we lock eyes for a split second. The shiver that ran down my spine was embarrassing.

Whoa. I need to focus. Let me get back to my notes on poetry's impact on spiritual ascension.

As I'm walking to my dorm, scrolling on twitter I happen to look up and see the face again like its fucking wheres waldo or something. I really just wanna see this face up close, the mystery is killer.

*The next day*

Its 8:44am and I have Professor Ex's class again today. I meditate, prepare myself for the day and head to class. As expected we have homework with a prompt that I do not understand so I'm just sitting at my desk, mouth agape with no surprise.

"Hey beautiful" a sweet voice says from beside me, its my friend Sukii.

"Hi mama how are you? How did you know I was in here?"

"Intuition" she said with a perfectly white smile.

"I just wanted to ask your Prof a question and possibly see if you wanted to go to the mall with me!?" She had this irresistible pout on her face, how can I say no? I'll worry about this homework later.

"Sukii, go ask your question while I pack my stuff."

*At the mall*

"You know I do not support fast fashion or sweatshops Sukii why the hell are we in here?!" I whisper yell while holding onto her arm.

Laughing she says "because it's a ritual to come in this store every time you go to the mall!"

"that's the government on yo ass Sukii watch out. subliminal messaging, rituals and shit girl lets go!"

I finally drag Sukii out of the store and walk over to some cool garden fairy looking aesthetic store neither of us had heard of before. They sold the most beautiful handmade lingerie and lounge wear for all bodies, it was marvelous.

Sukii and I both purchased 3 matching sets and a bundle of random panties of various sorts. I also got the cutest flattering gray shorts and a tank top that made my boobs look so divine.

"Was this your intention? To spend three weeks worth of groceries on something that 12 of our twitter followers will see at 1 am?"

"You are so funny, I'll have you know it was my intention to tap into my feminine energy with my best friend and I did, so thank you for coming with me"

"Aww you're welcome mama. Anything for you"

"Oh really?" she said with a smirk. "Also I saw you staring at the fresh meat on campus, you've gotta learn how to be incognito in real life like you do so well on social media"

"Oh now you're talking shit! I was going to buy us dinner and roll something but you're being rude to my Pisces heart."

"don't do that babygirl you know I'm fucking with you, I just thought you might want to know his room number or something IDK, show off some of that new lingerie..." she says while elbowing me lightly.

"Now you're just teasing me Sukii, I do not meet random men and show off my hot body..."

"FOR FREE!" we laughed and said on unison.

"I'm just saying, Juno knows him, he's really cool, your speed for real. Imma just give you his room number just because, okay?"

"fine fine. im not gonna do shit with it but okay." i say and roll my eyes.

Sukii and I eventually leave the mall with our purchases, heaping boxes of drunken noodles with extra chicken and broccoli and Horchata, our absolute high favorites and drive back to my place.

Once we're back in my room freshly showered with our cute matching onesies on, scented of peach, vanilla and frankincense we take some selfies and post them on our stories.

"Girl its always so Kamasutra, royal Yoni palace vibes in here I love it." Sukii says while adjusting her boobs in the mirror.

Im kinda staring at her ass but she catches my eye in the mirror and winks.

I blush and say "well darling, Goddesses deserve the finest." I say with a smile while grabbing the pearled banana leaf and lighter.

I open the window in my dorm and spark it up.


Part one! What do you think? I am so so so wanting to know ♡♡♡

Plz vote and comment (:

word count: 806

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