chapter three: 𝐡arrington to the rescue

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"Hey Dad?" Armando hummed in response.

"I don't know if Mom told you earlier or anything at all, but I saw grandma again, you know in my visions. Except after seeing her, it was the same person or creature with cloudy eyes that I saw a few days ago."

Glancing at his daughter for a second, "Again? This is happening too much and I don't like it. I think you should go see one of those doctor therapists."

She laughed before answering, "They're just called therapists dad. And I've already started seeing the one at school. But it's not a good idea to go see another one just yet, I'll just wait a few more days, and I'll be fine, okay?"

Pulling up to the school Armando was now weary of letting her go to the event. "Okay! Hija, just be careful and enjoy yourself."

Waving at her dad, heading to the gym, where the cheers were getting easier to hear. Arriving at the door where the ticket collector was, the worker smacked on her gum, sounding enthusiastic, "Ticket please."

"Oh. Ticket? I didn't know I needed a ticket. Could you just let me in?" Awaiting for an answer, Valentina felt as if she got in trouble for not doing what she was supposed to do.

Squinting her eyes, tilting her head, "Ticket, please."

"I'll be back, you'll see!" Groaning and walking away, Valentina needed to figure out how to get in or at least find a way home. Though it was impossible considering her dad was going to pick her up at least two hours later, like he promised he would. And she also didn't have any money for the payphone.

Too lost in her thoughts, a voice was calling her for the past few seconds. "Valentina? Are you okay? I really do need to go inside, I was running late, but saw you here, and knew I shouldn't leave you outside."

Mumbling talking had filled her ears causing her to try and find the owner of the voice. Robin.

"Sorry! Uh, y-yeah I'm fine, I just need a ticket to get inside since that stupid girl in the front wouldn't let me in without one." In situations like this, she always did wonder how stubborn people could even exist in the world. Although, she shouldn't be saying anything considering that'd make her a hypocrite.

Before Robin could respond, another voice interrupted. "The hell are you still doing out here? I thought you were in a rush? That's why I dropped you off in the front."

Turning around to find Steve with his hands on his hips looking like a mom, where he then pointed to Valentina.

"And you! You're Valentina. The one from this morning. What the hell are you doing outside? The game's going to start!" Well. Who knew the Steve Harrington could be such a babysitter. This was the first time that he had paid attention to her, other than their first encounter this morning.

Suddenly finding interest in a rock on the floor, starting to kick it around. "The person who was in the front wouldn't let me since I don't have a ticket and don't blame Robin for anything. It's all on me, she saw me standing here, when she should be inside. Right Robs?"

Watching their awkward conversation and facial expressions, until she snapped out of it until she heard her nickname?

"Right, well I'll leave you two, to whatever this is." Now the two were alone and Valentina wasn't as excited as her freshman self would be. Since this morning's 'fight,' she was too scared that Steve would scold her, again.

𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒,    𝐬.𝐡. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें