His mother saw the mud in his shoes. "Sheesh! Don't you know I'm the one who always has to clean them for you?!" "Sho-chan!" She slapped his him. You, Kazuki, and Keisuke laughed at his as his face grew as shades of red. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT, YOU OLD HAG! DROP DEAD!" "Awww you're so cute when you're angry!" She grinned. 

- - - 

The sounds of Shoya's fingers tapping the buttons of the controller where the only sound in the room. two video games laid on top of each other underneath the screen. Next to them were two glassed, and besides that was a huge pile of who knows what. Mounds of books were piled up across his room and Shoya and Kazuki sat on the carpet. Keisuke's side was on the bed as he raised the book above his head.  Your back was against the side of the bed as you faced the wall, with the TV being visible out of the corner of your eye. You silently read. You're a fast reader though. "Where's the next book, Shoya?" "In my sister's room." Shoya stood up and headed up to his sister's room. His sister laid on the floor asleep. He pulled the curtains away and saw a man sitting on her bed. "Hey. How's it goin'?" Shoya's eyes sagged, his eyebrows were raised, and he frowned. "oh." 

"There was a guy I don't know in there." Shoya walked in. "Again?" You asked. "What, for real? What about yutaro-kun? Did they break up already?!" Kazuki's eyes were on Shoya. Shoya looked away. "Apparently, this guy's name is Genki-kun." You sat, frozen. "How many is that?" Shoya looked at you. "Thirty." Keisuke sat up. "Holy crap..." 

Kazuki stood up. His mouth was open and his eyes were slanted. A drop of sweat formed on his cheek. "Does your sister really have that much time on her hands?" Shoya tilted his head. A smile stretched across his face and he gave a smug look. "Ya know, sis says life is a war against boredom." 

- - -

The sounds of the bell ringing filled up the school. "Big news everybody! I heard there's a transfer student coming soon!" Everyone surrounded Miki. "For real?!!!" "Yeah! I head Takeuchi-sensei talking about it in the faculty office!" 

Kazuki turned to Shoya. "I hope it's a girl. Don't you, Shoya?" Shoya gritted his teeth. "No way! Girls're boring!" You leaned against your desk and noticed that Shoya's eyes were focused on a girl. Yua. She was a relatively new student, but she had quickly become one of the most popular girls in the school. You nudged Kazuki. He saw. "Maybe you already have your eyes set on a girl......" Shoya's face grew all shades of red. "What?!!!! N-Noo wayy!!!" 

You looked out the window, seeing the different shapes that the cloud formed. He saw just how beautiful the sky was. Too bad the tall trees blocked up most of it. If you were thinking about the damn sky, you knew you were bored. You already knew what Shoya thought of boredom. He believed that his purpose in life was to fight against it. 

"Let us now begin the 42nd daily daredevil tournament!!" Shoya stretched out his arms and jumped off the bridge with Keisuke. "Woohoo!!!!" They landed in the water with a *SPLOOSH*. "Kazuki smiled at the them while crossing his arms and resting them on the railing of the bridge. "What's the holdup, guys?!" You frowned. "Well....I-" 

"Callin' it quits already Y/n? If so...it means you're buying snacks you know?" Kazuki looked down. You began, "Me and Kazuki started cram school." Your arms dangled over the railing. "Why?!!!" "Huh?!!!" "What are you guys, a bunch of nerds?!!!!" Kazuki grinned. "Jeez, shut up. Besides, we'll be in middle school next year. Let's start growing up." You turned around a picked up one strap of your backpack and put it over your left shoulder. You put on the other strap over your right shoulder and turned around. "See ya." Kazuki looked down as the two of you walked away. "Hey...it's a nutria!!!!!!" Kazuki looked up, and all of a sudden your feet were racing across the ground as you stopped at the bridge. "For real?!!!!" Kazuki looked into the river. "Look! Over there! They're crazy rare!!" "Let's catch it and keep it as a pet!!" You took you socks and shoes off while Kazuki pushed himself over the railing and plunged into the river while shouting, "Screw cram school!" 

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