Is That... Her New Brother?

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It was very quiet in their new home. The birds were singing sweet tunes and harmonies that could be heard clearly through the open windows. The wind was blowing softly, ruffling up Evelyn's hair as she sat in her new room listening to her music.
Lately... she hadn't been able to get James off of her mind. He was there constantly, and, being honest, Evelyn didn't mind James being in her head all day, every day.

It had been 3 days since herself and sylvie moved into their new home James's home.
And, Evelyn had already managed to get all of her belongings unpacked, and she had set her room how she wanted it to be set out.
Her small bed was sat right next to her chest of drawers, which had all of her clothes in. Her floors were wooden, with a black bat rug situated right in the middle of the room.
And she had a bookcase full of all her gothic novels. The bookcase was sat in the gap between the chimney breast, adorning the small fire, which was unusable for now, and the exterior wall.

Evelyn did like her new room. It was small and cosy.
Her own space where she could escape to and do whatever she felt like doing in that moment.
She loved having her own space.
As much as she loved spending her time with her new family... to Evelyn, spending time on her own was precious.

Evelyn let out a small sigh as she wrote her book. She was writing a vampire story, and it was coming along nicely, but she was lacking inspiration. Just then, cedric brushed up against her leg, and purred deeply.

"What happened to us doing this together?!" Sylvie shouted from downstairs.
'They're arguing again,' Evelyn thought.

James and sylvie have been arguing since they moved in their new home. Evelyn suspects that sylvie doesn't like their new house, and their new living arrangements.
Even though it was Sylvie's idea in the first place...
"I try to work with you, Sylvie, but you're just fucking intolerable!" James shouted.
James sounded really pissed off.

"I can't believe you just fucking said that you fucking arsehole!" Sylvie retaliated.

Evelyn had had enough.
She stood up and walked to her bedroom door, before flinging it open and thudding down the stairs, making sure she was noticed and heard, and then she walked straight into the kitchen to where parents were arguing and she told them calmly;
"I'm going out," Evelyn said, "I've had enough for a bit, so I'm going for a walk." And, so, Evelyn walked out of the front door and into the warm sun, hitting her face and brighting up her eyes, and the cool breeze that wafted through her hair and ruffled it up.

Evelyn had worn a classic red, tartan shirt today, with her ripped jeans and her chunky black boots. A beanie sat atop her head, and her wrists, neck, and fingers were all adorned with small bits of silver and metal. Her rings, bracelets, and necklaces.
"Evelyn! Wait up!" Someone called from behind her.
Of course... Evelyn knew exactly who's voice that was.
The low, gruff voice of james.
Evelyn knew it was James's voice, because, she hadn't been able to get it out of her head. His moans. His sighs. And even the dirty words that James had said to her. Every word, moan, or sigh of such that came out of James's mouth seemed to echo through her head, and ring in her ears.
Evelyn loved his voice so much.
It was somehow, somewhat addictive.
Just as James was addictive to her.

Her own stepfather.
"Evelyn wait. Let me come with you." James shouted, from close behind her. Evelyn didn't want to turn around and face James, she wanted to be on her own... but then, again... she wanted James. She wanted his hands all over her body, and his mouth on places she never even thought would be touched. She wanted James.
She wanted it all.

"What?" Evelyn snapped.
"Evelyn, baby, I wanna take you for a drive. Just me and you. Is that OK?" James asked.
Evelyn turned to look at him, and there was a deep sorrow in his eyes... and suddenly Evelyn felt bad for snapping at him. The corner of James's mouth twitched into a small grin, as he noticed Evelyn looking at him again.
'Cocky fucking bastard' she thought to herself.
"Sure," Evelyn said, "let's go for a drive in the car... get away from mum for a bit." She scowled.
James didn't say anything, he just watched Evelyn's hips sway deliciously, from side-to-side as she walked towards James's car.
When Evelyn reached his car, she turned her head over her shoulder and asked James, "Are we going?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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