The car journey (please comment!)

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The move was... successful. To a degree. It was only the car journey that was torture.
Evelyn was sat in the back of the car, cradling cedric to her chest. Comforting him. Comforting herself. She didn't travel well in the car. She got travel sick and they often had to stop, so Evelyn could be sick. She didn't realise that her new home, was more than thirty minutes away.
"Where is he?" Sylvie asked James.
Evelyn assumed that Sylvie was asking about James's son. He was supposed to be in the car with them, because he was in the car with his dad, when they arrived at their house. But, neither James nor Evelyn and Sylvie had seen him since James pulled up to their house in his spacious black volvo.
"I don't know darling, he often disappears, but he always comes back. He'll be ok and you'll get to see him soon. I promise." James answered Sylvie, with a reassuring smile.
Sylvie smiled back, and she grabbed James's hand.
Evelyn couldn't help but think back too wear she saw her new fathers hand, not two hours ago. Down her mother's trousers.
It's completely normal, seeing two parents being intimate with each other... but it was the fact that, Evelyn wanted James's hand down her trousers too.

Was she jealous of her mother?
Surely not.
Sylvie and James are married, Evelyn keeps telling herself.
Evelyn stared at sylvie's and James's joined hands.
She really wanted to hold someone's hand. It must be such a nice feeling, she thought, feeling someone else's fingers wrapped around yours. Occasionally squeezing, letting each other know that you're there for them... no matter what. Evelyn sighed as she thought more and more about it.
"What's the big sigh for, Evelyn?" James asked her
Evelyn didn't realise she sighed so loud, but obviously she did... and now she has to answer the guy who made her pussy wet, back at the old house.

"Oh, you know, just bored, I guess." Evelyn answered, not wanting to get into more detail. And definitely not wanting to talk more to James. It already seems too awkward between them.

"That's alright, and completely understandable. The traffic is terrible today." James replied. "I think I'll pull over at this next gas station, I'm thirsty." he added.
They drove for another few minutes, until we came to the gas station James must've been talking about.
Evelyn quickly jumped out of the car, once it had come to a complete stop and James followed her out, whereas Sylvie stayed in the car, fixing her nails.

"Are you not coming, dear?" James asked Sylvie, poking his head back in the car, so he could properly look at his wife.

"No babe, I'm staying in the car. Can't you see I'm fixing my nails?" Sylvie said... she sounded almost angry. Like, she was pissed off... who knew why? Sylvie has never been, and probably never will be, the calmest person ever. She has a terrible temper, and gets angry for no reason. She always has.

"Ok Sylvie, that's alright. You Can look after cedric then," James suggested, "we shan't be long." James slammed the car door shut and Evelyn heard her mother scoff. Evelyn waved to cedric and walked off behind James, toward the small, off-road gas station.

After 30, or so more steps, Evelyn decided to speak.
"Are you and mum alright?" She questioned."
"Hmm? What? Oh... right. Uhm, we're... fine." He answered. He didn't sounds sure.
"Its just," he continued, "we had an argument and its carried on and we don't want to let it affect us... as a new family" he said, with a small smile Evelyn's way.
"I understand... but we'll be ok!" Evelyn said, hoping to reassure this handsome man whom she couldn't stop looking at.

James gently smiled at her again, and tentatively reached out, to hold Evelyn's hand. He seemed uncertain of his next move, but he did it anyway.
He reached his hand further out, towards Evelyn's hand and gently ran his little finger along the back of her hand. That small motion made Evelyn draw her hand back slightly, and James stopped, and looked at her intensely. There was something in his bright blue eyes... an unfamiliar look. It looked... somewhat... hungry? Like, he was desiring something. Evelyn got a sudden boost of confidence, and reached out her hand this time, until it came into contact with James's hand. James took the next move, and started stroking the back of Evelyn's hand with the pad of his thumb. Evelyn loved the feeling. It's exactly what she was imagining in the car, seeing James and sylvie with their hands joined together.
Suddenly their fingers were brushing against eachothers... then... their fingers were interlaced together... gently... and like, it was a loving feeling.
Evelyn gasped at the new feeling... she loved it.
James looked at her more... inspecting every part of her young face. Her bright eyes, one green, one blue. They were magnificent. They way Evelyn's hair stuck up, the black mess atop her head, messy, but in a super sexy way. Her eyeliner perfect and as black as the night sky... her lips as red as a rose. She was magnificently gorgeous. Her soft, curvy body... the cute little tummy sticking out. Just wonderful to James's eyes.
Evelyn looked over to James's car... worried about being seen. But then she realised that they were stood behind a post, so they couldn't be seen
It didn't matter anyway, because James grasped Evelyn's hand harder, and practically dragged her into the gas station.
"Bathroom please." James ordered the man behind the counter. He sounded angry... was it anger? Desperate... maybe?
"Y-yes sir," the young man behind the counter at the checkout said, "right that way, towards the back." The man pointed to the back of his small shop.
Evelyn was surprised they even had a bathroom... the shop was so small.

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