Sighing, she reaches the place and walks in. As soon as she walks in the first thing she notices is, Abhi and Kavya sitting next to each other their heads close together as they converse. She observes them and sees Kavya blush and slap Abhi's arm in response to something he said.

She shakes herself out of her stupor before looking around and seeing Anya sitting alone.

Aaru has never approached Anya before, she somehow felt intimidated by her quiet presence. Yet, she decided today was the day she would talk to the girl.

Anya notices Aaru approaching and smiles softly before taking her bag from the chair next to her.

"Hey, I'm Aaru-short for Aarushi", Aaru introduces herself forwarding her hand.

Anya nods and shakes her hand, "I know. I'm Anya."

"Hey Anya, can I sit next to you?", Aaru asks sweetly.

"Sure" Anya smiles gesturing for her to sit down.

"I'm sorry If this is a little sudden. I was too intimidated to come to talk to you before. But now that I have no option, I decided to face my fears. It was either third wheeling or making a new friend. So here I am", Aaru explains herself.

"I am scary?", Anya asks amused.

Aaru nods pouting, "Very."

"Seriously? I am like the quietest girl you can find.", Anya laughs.

"It's always the quiet ones. Also, your laugh is cute", Aaru smiles.

"I see you are quiet the charmer. Someone rubbed off on you after all", Anya says looking pointedly at Abhi.

Aaru looks surprised for a second before she bursts out laughing, "I love you already."

Anya grins, "I might need a little more time to decide my feelings."

"Take all the time you need", Aaru says.

Abhi who heard Aaru laughing, looks over at her to see her happily chatting with Anya.

He frowns wondering, why she didn't come to talk to him first.

"Aaru", Abhi calls making her turn behind.

"Hmm Abhi?", Aaru asks raising her eye brows at him.

"Park? After class? Old times sake?", Abhi asks grinning.

Aaru nods her smiling, "Definitely", before turning back around.

Aaru turns to look at Anya who is staring at her with raised eyebrows.

"Oh shut up. Is it that obvious?", Aaru says grumpily.

"I didn't say anything", Anya says staring straight making Aaru snort.

Soumya Ma'am enters, cutting their conversation short. The chatter in the room stops, as everyone focuses their attention on the lady in front.

After class, Aaru and Anya are chatting as they pack up their bags.

"Where's Abhi?", Anya asks confused looking around.

"He should be here-", Aaru says turning around only to find the room empty.

"Maybe he's waiting out?", Aaru thought, her heart not letting her believe he might have left her alone.

Her phone rings suddenly, starting her as she fumbles to answer it.

"Hello? Oh hey, Abhi", Aaru greeted smiling that he hadn't forgotten her.

The smile vanished from her face in an instant as he said he couldn't make it. 

"Oh no problem, I understand.", Aaru says before cutting the call.

"What was the reason?", Anya asks quietly.

"He has to drop Kavya home", Aaru says.

"With what his nonexistent car? He has to walk her home right?", Anya asks

Aaru nods.

"And he chose her over his best friend?", Anya asks aghast.

"He's stupid sometimes, maybe he's worried about her safety", Aaru says protecting him.

"Don't you dare protect him Aarushi", Anya warns with a glare.

Aaru smiles, "I'm fine Anya. I'm used to this you know."

Anya links her arms with Aaru as they walk out, "That just broke my heart. Don't tolerate his behaviour."

"What else can I do?", Aaru asks.

"Try to move on.", Anya says. Aaru remains silent, making Anya sigh

"Do you think she did it on purpose?", Anya asks suddenly.

"I don't know what to think about a lot of things", Aaaru mutters, making Anya snicker.

"You know what, I love you too", Anya declares.

"Wow, love at first sight huh?", Aaru teases.

Anya snorts, "Yeah, for you."

"You know, you aren't quiet at all.", Aaru observes.

"It's a marketing technique", Anya grins, making Aaru laugh.


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