The Terror of Tal'dorei pt4

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"So, what do ya two think of my humble abode?" Asked Kreig as he guided Percy and Nate inside his house.

It was a relatively normal house considering the period and Kreig's position, but quite abnormal for a dragon.

"It is very beautiful. Such... craftsmanship?" Said Percy with a forced smile.

Nate exaggeratedly nodded along silently, not wanting to accidentally say something stupid in front of the dragon.

"Is that friend of yours silent?" Asked Kreig with a smile as he stood within an inch of Nate's face. "I don't believe I've heard him speak once!"

"He has a medical condition." Replied Percy like lightning with an extremely forced smile.

"Ahh, I see. But ya can still drink with that mouth. Let me get us some drinks." Replied Kreig as he left to get drinks.

Deafening silence filled the room as the dragon walked out nonchalantly. It was only until he was out of sight that the two let out sighs of relief.

"We need to get out of here!" Whispered Percy in a panic.

"Yes. Yes, please." Whispered Nate in return.

The two rushed towards the door to escape their impending doom only to find themselves in another predicament.

"He locked it?!" Exclaimed Percy in shock. "Fuck! Where's Vax when you need him?!"

Nate hastily looked through his monsters for anything that could be of use, but found nothing.

"Why do I have so many god damn DnD set mimicks?! Shit-"

"Language!" Replied Percy angrily.

Nate glared at Percy who swore a few moments ago as if looking at a maniac.

"A life or death situation is not an excuse to use foul language!"

"but you just- oh my god! Can you stop treating me like a kid for five straight minutes before we die?!" Whispered Nate angrily.

"Drinks are almost ready!"

Percy and Nate stared at each other afraid of the worst.

"Let's hide. We'll stay away from his sight until the others get here." Said Percy calmly. "Only then will we stand a chance."

Nate nodded in agreement before he and Percy dashed to a different part of the house.

The two soon arrived a room with a painting of a demoness that was not so safe for work.

"Ew, what is wrong with that dragon!" Exclaimed Percy angrily as he blocked the painting with his hands. "And stop staring at it! It's inappropriate!"

"I'm a teenager! It's normal to- wait, Percy, your hand!"

Percy raised a brow at Nate's words before turning to his hand that was inside the painting.

"Where did you two go?!" The two heard angry yelling from outside the room.

The two did not need any other words before they jumped inside the painting and found themselves inside...

Inside the dragon's lair.

"Well, that pretty much confirms Kreig is a dragon." Said Percy with a gulp as he saw the mountains of gold and treasures piled around.

"It's just like a DnD campaign." Remarked Nate staring at the cave in awe as he explored the place.

He noticed an odd looking structure with four orbs poking out from inside. Nate stroked the orb curiously before seeing an eye stare back at him.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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