The Terror of Tal'dorei pt1

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"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!"

Nate frowned inwardly as he heard the chants for Grog the Goliath to continue drinking more and more beer.

It was a normal sight to him by now, but an unwelcome one nonetheless.

The world where he currently was akin to a D&D campaign so taverns were the closest to houses that he'd had.

Shame it was also the only place he could play D&D again. The only thing that was still part of the old him.

"The right strategy here is obviously to be stealthy. The quest said to just bring the stolen amulet after all and I'm vastly outnumbered." Said Percy De Rolo, a human artificer as he sat across from Nate at a table with a beautiful D&D set.

Percy was the only one willing to consistently play with him. The others, especially Grog, were less fond of the game.

"Roll for stealth." Said Nate calmly before Percy rolled a d20 and got a 1. "You attempt to go through the back window but you hit a table with a vase on the way in and the guards are alerted to your location."

Just as Nate said, the characters in the d&d set moved as if they were alive and reenacted the same scene he foretold.

"Agh!" Percy cried in shock. "A one?! Hmm, nevermind. I haven't died yet and it means this is still salvageable. I just need the right plan." He finished before putting a hand on his chin and beginning to hatch a strategy.

It was then a burly looking man entered the scene and picked up Percy's avatar with a scoff.

"Playing with toys, are ya?" Said the man before noticing a toy dragon next to Nate. "And what's this. Aww, little kids and their baby dra-"

Before the man could finish his sentence, the dragon toy managed to deep throat half of the man's body, leaving his legs to flail around in an attempt to break free.

Percy grimaced at the sight of the toy. "Why do we still play with these things again?"

"Because I'm not making a wizard nor do I have the money to get an enchanted set. Take what you can get."

"But flesh eating mimics?"

Nate paused. "They're omnivores."

"Hey!" Percy and Nate turned to the source of the voice to see the man's friends glaring at them as their friends got a step closer to getting eaten.

Nate snapped his fingers and the man was instantly freed from the dragon toy mimic.

The man and his friends didn't look happy, however.

"Not again." Said Percy tiredly as Nate groaned.

As the two got ready to tussle, a table flew at their opponents knocking them out.

"That was surprisingly helpful." Said Percy before turning to the rest of the squad to see that they began ANOTHER brawl. "Should we help them?"

Before Nate could replace, some guy attempted to attack Percy only for him to point his gun at the man's chin freezing him in place.

Before anything else could happen, Grog leaped towards them knocking down the man, Percy and the mimic d&d set.

"God damnit." Said Nate before rolling a d20 and getting a 9.

And from the dice a four armed skeleton holding four crossbows appeared before the dice returned to Nate's pouch.

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