11・❥・you and me

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You were the right way

I was just waitin' for you to look at me

Is there a wrong time? 

Baby, I'm guessin'

Just let me know

Well, it's been a long time 

Since you've been lonely 

So what will I do?

You are the right one

And I'm just a boy who is lookin' at you

- You are the right one, Sports

Chapter Eleven. You and me

I don't know how long we stayed like that, clinging to each other whilst pretending the outside world didn't exist. In those few hours, it was just us. I would have liked it to stay that way too, however, a stolid middle-aged nurse was having absolutely none of that.

She shook me roughly awake and frowned at me over wiry half-moon spectacles. "Miss Lockwood-"

"It's Carlyle," I cut in. "Lucy Carlyle."

If I thought her expression couldn't get any more peeved, I was wrong. "Miss Carlyle please return to your own bed. You are to be discharged."

"What about Lockwood?"

Her eyebrows knit together as people often do when they hear George or I refer to Lockwood solely by his last name. "Mr Lockwood is in a worse state than you," she said plainly. "He will need longer treatment, so please, return to your bed."

I stole one last glance at Lockwood, fast asleep beside me and flashed across the room to my side, the nurse hot on my heels. She handed me a clipboard and tapped her finger along the page, "Sign here. And here. Is he your boss?"

"What?" I snapped my head up.

"It says on the invoice that payment is to be billed to 'Lockwood and co," she said curtly, raising a disapproving eyebrow.

I scribbled my signature and said nothing. Nosey old cow. She snatched the clipboard and led me down the hall towards the exit where a line of cabs was waiting. I savoured the sliver of sunlight that beamed down on me before slipping into a cab.

The drive back to 35 Portland Row was long and lonesome. I couldn't help but feel a little forlorn now that I'd had to leave Lockwood miles behind me. I watched old Romanesque buildings flash past against a bleak backdrop. The weather had shifted, becoming just as glum as I was.

It was then that I realised you could become homesick for people too.

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