Just So You Know....

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I'm Abby, but I often go by different names.

If  you're reading this, you might be wondering: Why is there so much Taurus? And Taurus and Scorpio?

Well I'll be answering that right now.

Taurpio (Taurus x Scorpio)

-main ship

Taurpio is the main ship for this story because I'm a Taurus and I love Scorpios, so I like pairing them together.

I'll also be discussing some other minor and important ships.

And I'll be discussing our main protagonist (Taurus) and why she's less like a Taurus.

Capriancer (Capricorn x Cancer)

-more important ship

Lancer (Leo x Cancer)

-more important ship

Pirgo (Pisces x Virgo)

-are dating

-minor ship

Aquaries (Aquarius x Aries)

-minor ship/sometimes important ship

Semini (Sagittarius x Gemini)

-minor/ sometimes important ship

Lemini (Leo x Gemini)

-minor/ sometimes important ship

Sibra (Sagittarius and Libra)

-more important ship

Corpio (Cancer x Scorpio)

-will date for fake purposes

-minor/might be important ship

And that's it for ships!

Now, for our main protagonist, Taurus. She's only less of a Taurus because I made her like me! You see, I love Scorpios because I feel like I am more Scorpio than I am Taurus. So, yeah.

Signs in order from my least favorite to favorites













(sorry if this offends. im not hating on you, i just dont like some of the signs in general)

thank you guys for your time, bye!

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