𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞

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hi guys ^.^ just me popping in to say sorry for how inactive i've been and how long chapter ten is taking to be uploaded :(

it was my birthday yesterday and my partner was staying at mine since last week to celebrate with me and my family.

another thing i want to note is that when i first started this book i only had a part time job doing cleaning, only 4 hours a day and i got weekends off to do whatever i wanted, which mainly consisted of writing this book.
now i have a full time job in a town that is an hour away on the bus since i can't drive yet. by the time i get home I'm exhausted and i use the time to speak to my partner and friends. and speaking of driving, most of my free time is taken up by driving courses/lessons now.
i have severe anxiety, which conflicts with driving as I'm sure some of you understand. it's made driving a living hell for me, especially because i had a close call with a lorry not long ago.

this anxiety also affects my everyday life, at work, at home, when i have to go out to do anything ect. it also affects my writing and uploading schedule i've really tried to stick to. i'm afraid that what i write is shit and absolutely terrible and i'm really jot good with hate comments or judgement from others.

all i'm trying to say is im very sorry my uploads have been patchy and the chapters have been short, or that they've been lacking. i'm not trying to make excuses, i just wanted to explain myself so you guys are sat there wondering where the hell i am or when another chapter will come out. the answer is i don't know, but please bare with me. i'm trying so hard to get into a writing schedule for you guys and for myself. i love to write, it's one of my hobbies, it's just so freeing and relaxing for me. i just get a bit stressed when it's for such a big audience.

i don't want this little update to be a total downer, so i just want to take this time to thank every single one of your votes, comments, reading list adds, and follows. and I especially want to thank all of you who just read it. i see you too, and I appreciate every single one of you. your support means the world to me. i also want to specifically thank those who regularly comment support for my well being, ily and always will <3

right that's enough gushing from me ;-; i hope to get a chapter out soon ! i'm currently writing one, so it should be out by the end of the week, but i'll try to upload in the next couple of days :)

love you my angels <3


i'll be deleting this little update when i next upload (if I remember) x

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