Hunter already gone.

"What are you doing? go inside." Hunter says from above.

You turn your head up and he's hovering above you on his staff.

"AGGH!" You exclaim and immediately run into the school.

Hunter laughs to himself and zooms away.

You close the door behind you and grumble walking to your class.

"Y/n!" Viney says from behind.

"What?!" You exclaim red faced.

"Woah, what's up?" Viney laughs.

"You're blushing." Viney smiles.

"Oh my Titan." You groan, covering your face.

"Is it Goldie?" Viney grins.

"Yes, he's an idiot." You roll your eyes.

"Why what happened?" Viney asks.

"He insisted on taking me to school since I was late." You grumble.

"And then he's all teasy and is like... wait you can't go yet you need to kiss me first. That jerk." You grumble.

"Awww." She smiles.

"Also I don't get it, didn't you used to hate him too?" You ask.

"I mean yeah, but after seeing him save you at Grom my respect for him went up, and seeing his fear too.. woah." Viney laughs.

"He obviously really cares about you." Viney says.

"Do you like him?" Viney says nudging your shoulder.

"I don't know!?" You exclaim.

"You like him." Viney nods.

"I didn't say that!!" You yell.

"Y/n!" A voice from behind says.

It's Luz she's running up to you. She has a smile on her face. Viney looks over too and grins.

"Luz, hey." You say.

"So for the plan Eda and I, we-"

"Shhh!" You hush her.

You nudge your head towards Viney, and make a motion with your lips to be quiet.

"Ohhh-" Luz says.

"What?" Viney asks.

"Nothing, i was just gonna tell Y/n, one of my cool ideas, but I forgot that she didn't like the idea! Or... uh something." Luz says.

"Oh.. uh.. okay." Viney nods.

"I'm gonna head to class, see you guys!" Viney smiles.

You and Luz both smile and wave goodbye at her. You then look over at Luz, and she looks over at you.

"I have first hour with you, I'll tell you the plan, come on girlie!" Luz grins.

You nod and follow her into plants.

"So, there's a hospital in Latissa, it has a little boat passageway, so we were thinking of sneaking in through the boat area." Luz says

"That sounds doable." You nod.

"The x Ray room though, it's located near the top floor so it's gonna be hard to get there. Luckily there's no patrol. This is only a simple hospital, it's not one of those overnight ones, so it'll be a quick in and out kind of thing." Luz says.

"Sounds good." You say.

"You still wanna do it this weekend?" Luz asks.

You nod.

"Why not? Why not just get it over with." She asks.

"Well... if I really am human. Then... what if I become an outlaw, what if my family doesn't like me? What if Hun-" you stop yourself.

Luz stares at you and blinks.

"I just don't want people to think of me as weird." You say.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with being weird, if anything it'll prove who the real people who care about you are, who see you as you." Luz smiles.

"Yeah but... it's mainly.. him.. I'm worried about." You say.

"Him?" Luz says.

"Who's him?" Luz asks.

"No one." You blush.

"Nahhhh it's someone alright, what is it a crush?" Luz asks.

"No no no! It's- uh-" you blush.

"It's complicated." You grumble.

"Awww, how long have you guys known eachother?" She asks.

"Since we were kids, but it's not important." You sigh.

"He's just so set on how he interprets things. It's the way he was raised, so it's really really hard to change his mind." You sigh.

"Well... he's known you for most of his life, like you said right?" Luz asks

You nod.

"I'm sure I'd he's known you for that long it won't matter." Luz smiles.

"Done best yourself up, you're gonna be great. But if you're really that worried then spend as much time as you can with him." Luz says.

"I have such a hard time with that." You blush.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because he can be so annoying!" You blush.

"Aww you like him." Luz smiles.

"Ugh..." you grumble.

"Who is it! I'm dying to know!" Luz exclaims.

"Give me the tea!!" She says excitedly.

"... I've only really told Viney, no one else. But I mean, you're literally offering to help me with all this despite us only knowing eachother for a little while " You say.

Luz grins.

"Um... I think you may already know him." You say.

"You think so?" Luz says.

"He said he was studying you before... so.." you say.

"Wait a minute." Luz says all flat toned.

"You aren't talking about the golden guard, are you?" Luz whispers.

Your face tenses up, and you can tell Luz doesn't like him.

"Mmhm." You mumble and nod your head.

"Really?! You're joking!" Luzs jaw drops.

"Isn't he the bad guy though? He works for Belos! Belos wants to get rid of wild magic!" Luz says.

"What? You really think that?" You ask.

"I mean... he's always been a little odd when it comes to ruling the boiling isles." You say.

"He's strict on our marria-"

"WAIT-" Luz says.

"You guys are getting married?!" Luz whisper yells.

"Shoot why did I say that, how did you even know I didn't even finish my sentence all the way..." You grumble.

"I have a mind reading power, all humans do." Luz smiles.

You blink.

"I'm kidding, we don't." Luz says.

You sigh.

"You really wanna marry him of all people?" Luz whispers.

"I- well-" you blush.

"I don't know about marriage- but... uh.." you blush.

"It's just what we've been told ever since we were little." You say.

"Dang your right, I dunno how he's gonna react if you turn out to be human." Luz says.

"It's a very strong if." You concur.

"Right." Luz says.

You grumble and go back to your studies.

UℕᏇℐℒℒℐℕᎶℒᎽ  ℐℕ  ℒᎾᏉℰ  Ꮗℐтℋ  ᎽᎾU (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now