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Intro: Lights and cameras pop out of stuff. They're old and covered in spider webs. Someone snaps a board. the cameras sweep through camp Wawanakwa. They go up the hill from the first seasons first challenge before plunging down. Cameron is under water surrounded by pirranas. A fishing hook pulls him up, where B is sitting in a boat with a homemade motor attached. Cameron flies through the air and he lands in Jo's arms, who tosses him on the ground to she can race Brick. Jo runs past Dawn who's meditating. A mutant gopher pops out of the ground and scares Dawn who runs away. It cuts to Mike and Zoe in a canoe. Mike is Svetlana, which is annoying Zoe. The canoe goes over the waterfall and passes by lightning who is standing over it while using a log as a weight. Zoe and Mike land on the log, making it break. Scott laughs, and Fang pops out of the confessional. Mikayla runs up and grabs Scott's hand before they both run. In the kitchen, chef pulls headphones out of a pot so he doesn't have to hear Stacy's talking. Ann Maria is spraying on hairspray. The camera sweeps to the beach, where Jo won her race against Brick. Sam is playing a video game, by a sasquatch steals it. Dakota kisses the camera, leaving a lipstick mark. An intern cleans it, and paparazzi take pictures of Dakota. Chris flies by with a jetpack, and dumps water on Dakota. It cuts to the campfire at night. Scott and Mikayla are about to kiss, but chef hold the marshmallow of loserdom between them, making them jerk back. Intro ends, episode starts

Mikayla's POV

Well, today I became a true Total drama contestant! Why, you may ask?

Because I woke up somewhere I didn't fall asleep, that's why.

Allow me to explain.

I was sleeping soundly, until a familiar alarm went off.

Everyone but Lightning woke up.

"What? Where are we?!" Mike exclaimed.

"NO! UGH! Chris must have set us adrift after we went to sleep!" Zoe groaned.

"Yeah... wait, I don't remember anything after dinner!" Scott realized.

"Maybe the mine did effect us?" I offered

"Wait a second! Dinner! That's it!" Cameron realized.

We all recalled what we had had for dinner.

Turkey buttolini.

"Turkey makes you sleepy... so mutant turkey must have knocked us out cold!" I realized "Ugh, that is so smart, but also so evil...".

We all stood up and looked around.

"Great. Now we're gonna be some stupid sh-sh-shark's dinner..." Scott said, pulling me closer to him.

"Don't worry babe, sharks shouldn't be able to find us in all this junk." I said confidently, looking at all the trash surrounding us.

Mike spotted a fedora floating in the water.

"Huh. Nice hat." he said, before picking it up and putting it on.

He inhaled, before looking at Zoe and grinning.

"Cooee! G'day Sheila! Aren't you the ridgey didge?" he said to her in an Australian accent.

I think he's flirting with her. I think...

Cameron shoved Zoe in the water before whispering something to Mike.

"hey!" Zoe yelled from the water.

I helped her back onto the raft.

"Thanks Mikayla" she thanked.

Dakota tapped my shoulder.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Ann Maria quit the show, so Dakota's on our team now.

Mikayla ***DISCONTINUED***Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon