"Can't do anything about it, (Y/N)," he tells me, chuckling lightly, before he leaves me alone once more, this time, with the tea, "FO's orders."

* * * * * * * * *

The deployment orders for the Philippine Army Air Corps' Sixth Pursuit Squadron to be transferred to Batangas Airfield from Zablan Airfield had been an on-going rumor since August, but it had been finalized with too much of a short notice that led for the entire order to immediately completely report to its new base in five days since the command was relayed.

Knowing what it means, César had been quick to suggest to me that we should visit his parents another time before we leave. It seems like some sort of a routine of his whenever he is to be deployed somewhere far away from Manila; saying that he owes his parents this much of respect for allowing him to pursue this career in the first place. After all, there aren't too many things for us to deal with ourselves concerning what we shall be bringing with us to Batangas; we definitely work it all out over the weekend since the announcement itself.

Compared to the grand feast that had been presented to us the last time we've visited his parents for dinner, it is rather plain for tonight. Perhaps, it is because of the short notice or whatsoever; but it didn't necessarily mean that his parents didn't exert too much effort for such a dinner meeting. There's still more than what the four of us can eat, or rather... the atmosphere itself had caused such stillness and heaviness that it is quite too hard to swallow the delicious foods.

César, as the rational person he always is, didn't chide away from revealing the news at once. Well, there is no other way to break the recent deployment but to jump straight on with it than to let flowery details trail on the conversation as some diversion from what is really necessary to discuss.

His father, at that, sighs heavily. "So, the day finally comes, huh?"

I remember César once mentioning the possibility the last time in the presence of his parents, too. At that time, the rumors gone rampant because of the incident that involved Lt. Luzon and Lt. Juliano; this time, it had prevailed as truth with the death of the previous.

"It is to happen sooner or later, as I've told you back then," answers César. "Ngayong namatay po si Ruperto... kailangan po mailagay ang mga training sites sa ibang lugar kung saan hindi ganoon karami ang tao. If ever na may masangkot na civilians ulit kagaya no'ng una. Para hindi rin po siguro maka-istorbo sa mga nag-tratraining ng basic flying sa Zablan."

"Dapat lang talagang magkaroon ng sariling airfield ang squadron niyo, anak. Mahirap na kung nagkasunod-sunod ang problema ng isang department kumpara sa inyo."

"Isa nga rin po 'yon sa mga naging rason ng deployment na ito sa Batangas."

His mother, who've been quiet all this time, except for a short and tender greeting to us earlier on upon our arrival, finally decides to speak up. Her voice is quite forlorn and distant when she says, "Maigi na lamang at hindi mas napaaga pa pagkatapos no'ng nangyaring insidenteng nasangkot ka."

I flush at that. It seems like his parents are aware of what happened roughly a month ago involving César's own close-call. Even César didn't manage to say something at once about that.

"Rosario," chides his father.

"Mabuti na lamang at hindi sa iyo nangyari 'yon. Ikaw na rin ang nagsabi kamakailan na kaya namatay ang isa niyong kasamahan ay dahil sa parehong maneuver na ginawa mo rin noong isang buwan. Na sobra-sobra ang pasasalamat ko sa Diyos na hindi ikaw ang binawian ng buhay," she quakes before taking a shaky breath as if to ebb down the hurt. There is no doubt that despite the incident happening a month ago already, the possibility or what-if of the scenario is enough to make anyone wonder.

Artificial Horizon - A César Fernando Basa x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now