shopping and the voice of an angel

Start from the beginning

“No they are ok” she replies

“Hey honey do you want me to hold your stuff” I ask her

“Are you sure?”

“Of course” she passes me the clothes and her Dani and Perrie start looking at another rack I look at the sizes they are at least 3 sizes too large. A little curious.

We finish up and go pay for the stuff. We then go and find the boys they are at the food court

“Yay can we go and get food now” Niall ask bouncing around.

“Come on Ni ni lets go get you food” Zayn says with amusement.

“Me ladies what can I get you for lunch” Louis ask in a really posh accent causing me and Grace to giggle

“Can I have some satay chicken please and a coke” I say

“Can I please just have a water” Gracie ask

“Just water?” Louis ask her

“Yes please” she is so cute and polite me and the girls take a seat Grace sits next to me

“So Honey you sure you don’t want some food”

Grace POV

“You sure you don’t want food honey?”El ask

I nod my head

You don’t need to eat you stupid fat bitch. No one anyone loves you your so fat and ugly no one is ever going to love you while you are so fat and ugly. I sneaked some food when I was 5 I hadn’t eaten in 3 days I was so hungry but Mum caught me she made me vomit it back up and she was pushing my face into it and punching slapping and kicking me repeatedly she then pulled me by my hair and throws me into a small cupboard in the house that was dark and I hated it, it was so small she would lock me in there for days at a time. Mum tells me I’m should only eat once a week so I used to drink water to make myself full.

“So what are you getting to eat Bubby girl?”

I jump and let out a little scream I quickly cover my mouth. I look and see Zayn sitting next to me look at me.

I shake my head he just looks at me like I’m weird. I look at the table and there is so many food on it smells so good but I can’t eat I want someone to love me eventually and since I ate at breakfast.

Once they finish eating we decide to walk around the shop and see if there is anything else. Zayn goes off and says he will find us in a minute. I wonder where he is going. We walk towards the pet shop Niall wants to have a look around I follow him and we go to the puppies I read the sign they are Burmese mountains dogs. There is one n the corner whilst the other ones play fight. They are so cute I wish I could get one. I go over and pick it up it snuggles into my neck. I sit down.

“Looouis” I hear Niall yell.

“What do you reckon so you like him?” Louis Ask

“Very much so” I reply

“Well ill go and get some things for him and pay, try and think of names for him”

I can feel my face light up I get up and was about to give him a hug put stop. He smiles and ruffles my hair. I give him a big smile back. Niall comes and stands next to me

“Have you thought f a name yet” he ask me.

I shake my head

Zayn POV

I ring Liam to see where they are they are at the pet store. Oh god why the pet store last time we went to have a look me and Li had practically carry Niall out and he was almost crying because we wouldn’t let him get anything. We better not have a repeat of that. I get to the pet shop and see harry standing to the side with a smile on his face I look at to where he is looking and in one of the dog cages I see Grace sitting in the corner with a puppy with a smile on her face. It is so cute. I look around and see Li Lou and El at the counter with a whole lot of dog stuff. And I see Ni bouncing around and coming to stand near us

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