The Gathering

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The Scooby-Doo Gang were in the Mystic Grill when suddenly a bright light came, and they vanished.

Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Hayley were in the Plantation talking about the witch Marcel is keeping when a bright light came blinding them and they vanished.

Freya who is in deep slumber at the Dowager Fauline Cottage immediately gasp and saw a note beside her after reading the note she changed to a modern clothes when suddenly a bright light came and she vanished.

Finn and Kol who were at the Otherside instantly vanished when a bright light came.

At the attic Marcel and Davina are talking when abruptly a bright light came and they vanished.

Jo is at the hospital ready to go home when unexpectedly a bright light came and vanishing with her.

Kai who is at the Prison World eating a Pork Rinds planning his way out when a bright light came and vanished with him.

Luke and Liv are on their way out to eat lunch when instantly a bright light came and vanishing with them.

Joshua who is at the Oregon looking at their family picture when suddenly a bright light came taking him.

Cami who is closing the bar is swiftly taken by a bright light and vanished in thin air.

Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Jackson along with Chris, Peter, and Derek's Pack were standing in the old Hale house taking a deep breath after the incident with Gerald and Kanima when all of a sudden a bright light came and vanished with them.

Sheriff Stilinski is on his way home when a bright light came straightaway taking him and vanished.

Melissa who is checking Alex vitals when surprisingly a bright light came and vanished with her leaving a sleeping Alex in a hospital bed.

After everyone was settled after a few threats were thrown and ready to watch their future nervously. Was their future really that bad for them to be pulled here, everyone thought.

Hope and the Saltzman twins who is seated with ther respected family were nervous and excited ready to see their parents past.

Hope and the Saltzman twins who is seated with ther respected family were nervous and excited ready to see their parents past

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