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Thursday still.

I'm still absolutely pissed at Stan, like, that's fucked up. I can't let him find out I actually like him and not Milly. I need to think about how to ask Milly to the dance, to get my mind off things.

Maybe I should go to her house after school today and ask her? Yea, that's how it's gonna go. I'm also gonna ask her parents, but I'm not so sure how that's gonna go.

Maybe they won't like me, but whatever it is, I'm making sure I ask Milly to the dance

"Hey Kyle!" Milly greets me with her smile.

"Hey Milly." I say smiling back at her.

Everyone stared as they locked hands. Now, it wasn't really everyone, but it sure felt like it to them. Maybe everyone was just as nervous as Kyle for the dance.

"Hey Milly?"

"Yea Kyle?"

"I know who posted the kiss."

"Who?!" Milly said squeezing my hand tighter.

"Stan. Uh, he told me."

"I had a feeling." Milly said salty.

"He said he was just jealous, which he does get jealous easily, but that was too far."

"Yea. So, you two are on bad terms?"

"Unless I accept his apology I geuss we are."

"Then I'm on bad terms with him too." Milly declared. Kyle just smiled.

-after school at Milly's house-

Milly and I walked to her house on the sidewalk. Her house was close to Stark's pond and she kept joking that it would be perfect for a date.

I think she was trying to ask me out, but I don't think I understood that too well cause I suggested a different spot. Less public maybe.

Milly opened the door for me and I walked inside to a green interior. Her mom was in the kitchen and her father was sitting on the couch watching the news. I assume Willy was in his room.

"Hey mom." Milly said in greeting, going up and hugging her.

"Hello honey," she said hugging back. "I see you have a guest with you." She said looking at me. Milly's father also turned around on the couch to look at me. I waved at them awkwardly.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Billy."

"You must be Kyle! We've heard so much about you." Mrs. Billy said, walking over to hug him in greeting. Kyle hugged back as Mr. Billy shook his hand.

"Willy talked about you some. He said you were very nice." Mrs. Billy revealed.

"I wouldn't say that, but I appreciate the compliment." Kyle said politely.

"Okay, we're going upstairs now, bye mom, bye dad!" Milly said dragging me to her room.

"Keep the door cracked!"

"Mom!" Milly shouted back, embarrassed. I saw Willy in the hallway, he just gave me a thumbs up and a small smirk.

"So this is my room. How do you like it?"

"It's so neat." I said amazed.

"Yeah, my parent's are really strict." That doesn't surprise me at all.

"I actually kind of expected that." I said with a laugh, "I hope they'll at least let me take you to the dance."


Getting over him. And failing. (style) Where stories live. Discover now