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ACT 03

It is an honor to present to you, this years stars for Beauty and the Beast:

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It is an honor to present to you, this years stars for Beauty and the Beast:

Smidge: Chip

Guy Diamond: Lumière

Biggie: Wardrobe

Creek: Rock #1

Barb:  Gaston

Cooper: Cogsworth

Satin and Chenille: Costume Design

Bridget: Mrs. Potts

Poppy: Belle

Branch: Beast

Dj Suki: Music Manager



A crowd of trolls gathered around the results, "That's so unfair, Branch didn't even audition! How did he manage to get the role of BEAST?" Miss. Pebble-Blossom overheard Creek's remarks and tapped his head with a book. "May I remind you that we don't get to choose the characters we play, they chose us."

Creek shook his head, "That makes zero sense, a rock chose me?"

Barb jumped with joy, "Gaston! Woohoo! I was crossing my fingers in hopes of being this year's villain." 

Poppy gasped, covering her hands over her mouth. Branch on the other hand flinched at the thought, "Me? Act on stage? There seems to be some sort of mistake." For once, Creek agreed with his enemy's comment, "You bet there is." 

"Oh, Young man," Miss. Pebble-blossom leaned towards his ear. "As a thank you for yesterday, this is my token of gratitude to you." 

Branch paused for a minute, this was his chance to get back at Creek...For stealing his art piece, being all grubby and handsy on Poppy. It all screamed as the perfect karma. 

"I'll do it." 

"Wonderful, practice starts after classes are over from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm." The theatre teacher walked away cautiously. 

Softly, Poppy called out, "Branch."

He looked down, "I'm sorry about Friday. I got a bit carried away back there and I wasn't being a good friend."

Branch patted her head, "All is forgiven."

Creek scooted between the two, "So, Poppy..I was wondering if you could help me with my scrapbooking assignment. It's due today and I don't want my parents to beat me to the brim."

"Of course! I'll see you later, Branch." She happily skipped beside Creek. Branch sighed, "So much for being sorry about Friday."





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Poppy-belle and the Beast (Broppy)Where stories live. Discover now