"Hey!" Eda protested.

"You were gone after a single glass. Even Alador had 4 before he was completely drunk." Porter said.

"Should I be insulted by that?" Alador asked.

"Yes." Lilith answered.

"What was everyone like?" Alador asked. "What kind of drinks were we?"

"Eda was crazy. After 1 glass she was out of control. Darius got very flirty after 3. After 4 you started saying everything that came to mind and Raine passed out. After 5 Lilith started spilling her trauma. After about 8 Eber got tipsy." Porter noted.

"Who did I flirt with?" I asked, nervously.

"Mostly Alador but a little bit with me and Raine. I felt very complimented." He shrugged.

"I kind of remember that." Lilith said. "You called Perry 'cute'."

"Kill me." I mumbled.

Alador glared at Porter.

"So Lily and Alador were spilling secrets to you. What were they?" Eda asked.

"All I feel safe saying is Lilith needs therapy and Alador needs therapy and holy water." Porter said.

Alador stopped glaring at him and look confused.

"We knew they both needed therapy but why do you say Alador needs holy water?" I asked.

"We have to stop calling him innocent." Porter stated.

He looked kind of traumatized.

"What the fuck did you say?" Lilith asked Alador.

"I don't know!" Alador answered.

Eber started explaining. Raine looked kind of horrified and I just smirked.

"Yeah. Alador isn't as innocent as he seems. Holy shit." Raine said. "That could make Eda blush."

"That's not that bad. He's said worse when we play Hexes Hold'em." I told them.

Eber nodded in agreement.

"What?!" Raine and Porter shouted.

"I wanna know!" Eda said.

"No, you don't." Porter told her.

Alador looked down, awkward and embarrassed.

{The Next Day}

There's only one spot in the emperor's coven. Eda and Lilith have to duel for it tomorrow.

"Edalyn's going to win." Alador stated.

"You sound sure of that." Porter said. "You couldn't possibly know that."

"No, no. He's right." Raine told Porter. "Based on skill level, Lilith doesn't really stand a chance. She may be older but Eda works hard and is way better at duels and fighting. Unless Lilith has the best strategy up her sleeve, she'll lose."

"You guys don't give Lilith enough credit." Porter said.

"Porter, we get that you have a lot of faith in Lilith but the fact is, she's no match for Eda." I told him. "Dueling wise at least. It's like if we had you duel Alador or Raine, it wouldn't really be fair. If it were about smarts or grades or organization, Lilith would have the advantage but it's not."

Eber said Eda's at such an advantage that if Lilith wins it's a minor miracle.

"Pessimists." He sighed.

"It's just reality." Alador sighed.

"We're terrible people for this conversation, aren't we?" Raine asked.

Partners In Crime(Dalador/Aladarius)[The Owl House]Where stories live. Discover now