Drip (tw sh)

5 2 0

I want to bleed

Let the blood run down my arm

Down my legs

Drip slowly

Warm liquid flow over my bare skin

The wounds heal slowly

The blood eases my mind

But I can't

They watch me

They watch for the blood on my sheets

They wash the sheets and find more blood

Dried blood

The blades dull over time

They don't bleed when they are dull

Sharp blades and oozing blood

My arms are dark red with dried blood

Purple and white scars under the blood


I want more

Dried blood on the floor I forget to clean


What will they do

Take me away?

They don't care enough

The blood is my life

I need it to keep me right

But it's not right

I don't care

The drops fill my thoughts

Dripping and the flow of blood is all there is

Who have I become

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