Chapter 4: Awkward

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A few weeks had passed since Kristen's emotional breakdown, and she was doing her best to focus on herself and her happiness. It was during this time that a mutual friend decided to organize a get-together, reuniting Kristen, Robert, and their close friends for a casual evening.

At the gathering, Kristen could feel her heart pounding as she approached Robert. Their eyes met, and for a moment, it was as if no time had passed since they last saw each other.

"Hey, Kristen. It's been a while," Robert said with a warm smile.

"Yeah, it has," she replied, trying to sound casual despite her racing heart. "How have you been?"

"Life's been good. Work has been keeping me busy, and I've been traveling a bit. How about you?" he inquired, genuinely interested.

"Same here. Just been focusing on my career and directing," Kristen responded, fidgeting nervously.

As the night progressed, Kristen and Robert found themselves spending more and more time together. They shared stories, laughed, and reminisced about old times. But all the while, Kristen couldn't shake the thought of Robert's girlfriend, which cast an awkward shadow over their interactions.

At one point, their conversation turned to relationships. Robert's tone changed, and he hesitated before speaking.

"You know, Kristen, I've been thinking a lot lately about what's important in life, and it's made me reevaluate some things," he confessed, looking into her eyes.

"Oh? Like what?" she asked, trying to mask her curiosity and nervousness.

"Well, I've realized that life is too short not to be with the people who truly matter to you," he explained, his gaze never leaving hers.

Kristen felt her heart skip a beat, wondering if this was a sign. Was he trying to tell her something? Or was he merely expressing a newfound appreciation for his girlfriend? The uncertainty made her feel even more awkward, unsure of what to say next.

"Yeah, I think you're right," she agreed, offering a small smile. "It's important to cherish the people we love and make the most of the time we have together."

As the evening came to an end and their friends began to leave, Kristen knew that, despite the awkwardness, she was grateful for the chance to reconnect with Robert. She couldn't deny the chemistry that still existed between them, but she also knew that she needed to protect her heart.

As they said their goodbyes, Kristen wondered if fate would continue to weave their lives together, or if this reunion was simply a fleeting moment in time. Only the future could reveal what was in store for Kristen and Robert, and whether their long-held promise would ever come to fruition.

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