Chapter 3: Hesitation and Heartache

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Days turned into weeks, and Kristen found herself unable to shake the image of Robert with his girlfriend. She spent her nights questioning herself, wondering if she should reach out to him or let the past remain buried. Each time she considered contacting him, fear and doubt would creep in, making her second guess her decision.

She couldn't help but think about the fifteen years that had passed since their promise. Had she wasted all that time holding onto something that was never meant to be? Was it foolish to have clung to the hope of a future with Robert, only to watch him find happiness with someone else?

One evening, as she sat alone in her living room, the weight of her emotions finally caught up with her. Tears streamed down her face as she mourned the love she had never truly had, the love she had always longed for but now seemed further out of reach than ever before.

Kristen cried for her lonely heart, for the years she felt she had wasted, and for the future she so desperately wanted but feared she might never find. She let her tears fall freely, allowing herself to grieve the loss of the dream she had carried for so long.

As the night wore on and her tears subsided, Kristen knew that she had a decision to make. She needed to find the strength to face her fears and embrace the uncertainty of her future. Whether that future included Robert or not, she owed it to herself to pursue her own happiness and let go of the past that had been holding her back for far too long.

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