Y/n and Anne

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As y/n slowly reopened his eyes, he looked around for Anne not finding her anywhere. But he did find the note she had left for him.

Anne's note: Hey Y/n I hoped you slept well. I'll be in the command center, so stop by and I'll fill you in on what has happened.

A small smirk grew across his face, y/n had grabbed his armor and blades, throwing them

As y/n passed frogs, toads, and newts all with weapons.

Y/n: quite the army they raised, (a small smile grew on his face) that's my Anne bringing people together

As y/n looked around a small beetle bumped into him.

???: EXCUSE ME!?

Y/n : oh my ..... bad

Y/n stared in shock as the a giant purple mushroom lit up as it talked

Apothecary Gary: no problem, now excuse me,

Y/n: y- yeah s-sorry

Y/n started walked away still trying to figure out what just happened, as he kept walking he walked past polly and blossom trying to work on giving frobo a new body.

Blossom: his programming is way to different to connect to the main framework.

Polly:  and we can't access the mainframe  because the server's firewalls, oh I got an idea

They then said some more computer stuff but y/n didn't understand anything they said.

Y/n thoughts: I feel like I should be concerned about Polly being that smart, oh well I'm not on her bad side.

As y/n reached the command center and moved the drape he saw Anne looking over the table , seemingly lost in thought.  Y /n slowly walked next to her, and started leaning against the table while just staring at Anne while she was planning

Anne was strategizing for about tactics for around 10 minutes not noticing y/n who had moved on to playing with her hair

Y/n: unclench your jaw, it's bad for you

Anne: right s-sorry

It took Anne about 12 seconds to realize that y/n was right there

Anne: gah

Anne with a major blush on her face fell back but y/n not wanting to ruin his chance to be smoother than peanut butter caught Anne before she hit the ground and pulled her close

Anne: y-y- y/n wait a second

Y/n then moved some of her curly hair out of her face

Y/n: your adorable when you blush

Y/n said with a smirk on his face, which then quickly disappeared

Sasha: if y'all gonna fuck, please do it in the barracks

After 20 minutes of y/n blushing and Anne trying it to calm him down,  y/n was sat next to Anne as they explained the prophecy and how they got their armies

And then another 30 minutes of trying to keep (y/n) from crushing Apothecary Gary

Anne: y/n calm down, I'm the one who got mind controlled!

(Y/n ) eventually slumped back into his chair and crossed his arms

Y/n: fine, but if they get cornered I might not get there in time.

Sasha: either way there is the a elephant in room

She says as her and Anne turned towards y/n

Y/n: what?

Sasha then slammed her hands on the table causing y/n to fall back out of his chair

Sasha: what do you mean what!? How did yo do the whole purple ghost rider thing!?

Y/n: oh that...

Y/n then closed his eyes and started thinking, flashes of how he gained that power but he started to draw a blanks

Y/n: I got mad

Sasha: really, you broly 'ed your way to power?

She said in a unenthusiastic tone

Y/n: look all I remember that something that Andrias said really made me pissed off

Anne: we'll I mean that's how I did it, but dude you caused some serious damage.

Y/n: y-yeah my bad

Y/n lowered his head embarrassed and a little ashamed

Anne: look I caused a mess the first time too, I mean you saw the castle 

Y/n: y-yeah I guess...

Anne: well I've used theses powers a few times now, so why don't we help each other with some training

Y/n's demeanor perked up immediately

Y/n: really?

Anne yeah man, imagine how strong we could get. Andrias won't stand a chance.

Y/n: all right, oh maybe we could imbue our weapons with the power

Anne: oh that would be sick

Sasha: well if you guys are going to go train (she said with obvious sarcasm) there's a open field near a Clift two clicks from here

Anne: cool, you know where to find us.

Y/n: later.

As they walk out of the command center they pass grime, as he walked in.

Grime: where are they going?

Sasha: they're going to go train.

Grime: ah




Grime: they're going to go-

Sasha: yeah,

Grime: should we?

Sasha: I'll go in a hour or two let them have this, they haven't see each other for awhile.

Grime: wanna watch suspicion island?

Sasha : hell yeah

As y/n and Anne made it to the field Anne sat at the cliff edge, as y/n walked up to her

Y/n:so what's the plan?

Anne: come here, (she says patting the ground next to her)

(Y/n)  walked over and sat next to Anne, they didn't say anything, no words needed all they did for a for a solid couple of minutes was just sit and stare at the scenery. After a while (y/n) finally decided to break the actually pretty nice silence.

Y/n: so um, what's the plan-

When y/n looked over all he say was Anne taking a small nap on his shoulder

Y/n: rest up my ผู้บัญชาการ.  (translation commander)

As (y/n) sat on the Clift lost in thought he made a promise to himself and Anne, even although she wouldn't hear it.

Y/n: I promise to always be right by your side, till the end.

Hey, author here. So sorry about the long wait. To put a long story short my account got hacked. But I'm back and I'm back to writing. See y'all in the next part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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