part 8

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Y/n pov:

As everyone sat in darkness there is a quick flash of (y/n's) phone illuminated the temple. (Y/n walked over to the steel door and try to pry it open.

Y/n: guys you ok?

(Y/n) yelled trying to get in contact with his friends.

Y/n: Phones right.

Y/n Quickly starts to search through his contacts to try and find Anne's phone number.

Anne: *dude what you do! *

Y/n: I ain't do shit!

Sasha: *you sure that you didn't step on anything?*

Y/n: Ah Yes the will trained bounty hunter who essentially is this universe is version of Batman, Who Could track a single bird via a footprint flight patterns which is I found y'all btw. Would set of a tripwire or step on a pressure plate !

Marcy: *guys calm down It isn't as bad as it could be. *

As if on cue a stone pedestal with purple energy sizzling through it appeared seemingly out of nowhere causing the room Y/n was in to have a purple glow.

Y/n: Marcy are you behind this because a purple puller just appeared with writing on it? Feeling like I'm trapped in one of your sessions of your campaigns.

Marcy: * oh oh let me see.

As they switch the call to FaceTime Marcy looks over the Pedestal.

Y/n: what's say M?

Marcy: * It just says insert the tablet*

Sasha: * Well we don't have a tablet do you see anything Art boy?*

Y/n: 1. No I have walls and Floor nothing else.
2. How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?

Sasha: *It's never going to happen.*

Y/n: And 3 I have an idea.

Y/n Slammed his drawing tablet into the open slot in the pedestal causing the screen glow purple to only than reveal icons of Anne, Marcy and Sasha.

All: woah.

Sasha: so what dose this mean?
Marcy: beats me, Anyone got any ideas?

As everyone tried to figure out what this meant Y/n stated to doodle little shapes, As soon as he finished one square a massive translucent purple block fell seemingly out of nowhere in front of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.

Anne: *woah!*

Marcy: *ooooooooooh.*

Sasha: *Hey art boy stop that are you trying to kill us?!*

Y/n: how dose me doodling kill you?

Sasha snatches the phone from Anne pointing it at the cube.

Sasha:*THAT'S HOW!*

Y/n: oops.


Y/n: look I'm sorry ok I didn't know what I was doing but I have an idea.

Sasha:* No no more ideas from Art boy.*

Anne :* calm down Sasha, but y/n she is right we can't just do things Willy nilly. *

Y/n: mmhm question you would not like this lantern them?

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