True colors

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The girls, y/n, the Plantars and Captain Grime scream as Joe Sparrow lands in the water outside Newtopia. Frobo lifts Joe out of the water.

Marcy: For Joe's sake, no one else is allowed to join.

Anne, sprig and y/n slid down on joe sparrows wing, Sasha and Grime jump to return to land. With a mime of arms, Hop Pop asks Anne to remove him from the Hop Pocket.

As Marcy goes to the front door at a brisk pace

Marcy: Whoo! Back to Newtopia! Alright, let's go over the plan one more time. First I'm gonna get us into the city, (points at Anne) Anne's got the music box ready to give to King Andrias?

Anne takes the Calamity Box from her backpack, while still holding y/n's hand

Anne: yep

While Anne puts the box in her backpack finally, Marcy points at Sasha and grime.

Marcy: Sasha and Grime, hoods up till after we give the king the music box. Once I tell him how much you helped, he'll clear you for sure.

While  Sasha and Grime put their hoods up

Sasha: Copy that

Grime: Will do.

As the group walked to the gate y/n and Anne had a small conversation.

Anne: so how are we going to tell Sasha and Marcy?

Y/n: no clue, but I doubt they be to surprised,in retrospect we were really bad at hiding our emotions..

Y/n rubbed the back of his neck as a small blush came across his face, Anne not skipping a beat gave him a small kiss on the cheek and snuggled up to his arm leaning her head on his shoulder, as the came up to the gate.

Marcy: Marcy Wu and crew reporting to King Andrias. (Guards open gates)

Guard: I don't get paid enough for this.

The gate opens. The group entered and walked towards the castle.

Marcy: What an amazing adventure. Makes you wish it could last forever, huh?

Anne: Hmm, I'm not sure I'd go that far. But yeah, (looks at the Plantars) it was pretty cool.

Sprig:(Polly groans) Whoa, Polly, what's wrong?

Polly: (groans) My butt is so itchy

Hop pop: (Takes a cream out of his pocket) I've got some ointment that'll fix that right up.

Polly: Hop Pop, no! It stinks! (screams and runs away with Hop Pop chasing her)

Anne, y/n, sprig, and Marcy laughed as Hop pop chased Polly around

Sprig:     I can't believe we did it. After all our adventures, this is the end.

A sad look crosses against sprigs face

Anne: Whoa. Just because the adventure's over, doesn't mean we can't see each other. As long as we've got that music box, I'll be able to visit. You can even come visit me in my world!

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