Part 5

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y/n: m? M!

y/n than ran towards Marcy, Marcy and y/n have been really good friends while not fully understanding marcy DnD rule of not hold everyone in the party at magical bomb point(If you didn't know if you cast delayed fire ball multiple time you make a bomb that you can bribe your party members to protect you, not important to the story just wanted to give context)but regardless they were pretty close friends like brother and sister.

y/n: dude where have you been.

you and marcy do this.

Marcy: I've just been hanging here and guess we both got some major weapon upgrades huh?

y/n: yeah we did! There is one problem tho-

Marcy: what are taped inside your armor, is it sucking the life force out of you?

y/n: no your cloak is on fire.


Anne: don't swing it around!

y/n then rip of the cloak and stomped on it to handle the fire.

Marcy: Thanks man.

y/n: what are friends good for but seriously this Ants are a big problem.

Anne: yeah but where did they even come from?

Marcy: no idea but there are some newt in the castle that can.... y/n way are you doing?

they then look to seen y/n look at the burrow holes seemingly counting.

y/n: Im calculating.

Anne: dude since when to you do that?

Marcy: yeah you never study or do math.

y/n: well when you want upgrades to your armor you learn how to do things

hop pop: like find the pattern of where they are coming from!

y/n: exactly hp.

sprig: so you figure out where there nest is.

polly: then we blow it sky high!

y/n: Thats the plan, got it they came out in threes during there attacks meaning they are close.

Anne: but how do we get to them if there under ground?

y/n simple the aren't they are on the surface but they need somewhere dark.

Marcy: there a cave system a good walk from here I exposed on my 5th dat here.

y/n then thats our first place to look.

y/n then thats our first place to look

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