Chapter 29

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Allison's pov____________________

Once we arrived at the Meeks' house we got out of the car and saw Dewey's car behind us. 

"Holly shit he came" Sam said in shock. 

"I've decided to temporarily assist you in your investigation" Dewey said walking over to us. 

"Thank you" Sam said as we walk up the stairs, I knock on the door and Mindy answered it.

"Come in" She closed the door behind us and led us into her living room. 

"How do you know so much about the Stab movies?" Richie asked her. 

"Runs in her family" Dewey said.

"Randy was our uncle. RIP" Mindy blew a kiss at his picture. "You said to bring everyone" 

"Ooh, suspect!" Martha walks in with a trey of food, she puts it down on the table. "My brother would be so proud" 

"Hey, Martha" Dewey smiles as she saw him.

"Dewey!" They hug. "Hi!" They pull away. "You look.."


"How's the wife?" 

"Ok, mom, we're good. Thank you" Chad said.

"All right, kids. Have fun" Martha smiles at Dewey before walking off. 

"I asked Mindy to call everybody here, because... there's something I have to tell you" Sam said we all sat down. Mindy put on Stab 1 and went to the end of the movie, to show a real-life picture of Billy Loomis. 

I then also mentioned who my dad was and how I am connected to Sidney Prescott. 

"So, let me get this straight. You're saying that you're the daughter of Billy Loomis, and what, that one of us is the killer?" Chad asked.

"And Ali? You too?" Amber asked. 

"Yeah" I nod my head.

"The killer told me he knew my secret. He attacked Tara to lure me back here"

"But then why go immediately go and murder some douche-nozzle that was stalking Liv?" 

"Why does it have to be one of us? What about Deputy Dewey over here? Maybe he's the killer. No offense" Wes said.

"Wes" I said defending Dewey, 'cause I know he isn't the killer.

"None taken, but what's my motive?" Dewey asked him.

"You got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife, and crawled into a bottle. I think it's safe to say you're on the suspect list" Wes said and my jaw dropped. 

"Well, maybe you're the killer. Because that cut deep" Dewey said with sadness. 

"That douche-nozzle is connected. I googled him. His mom is Leslie Macher. Stu Macher's sister" Amber said.

"Who's Sut Macher?" Liv asked. 

"Oh, my god" Amber mutters, rolling her eyes.

"He's Billy Loomis's accomplice. A real looney tune" Dewey said.

"Ok. Ok. So the first four attacks are all on people related to the originals" Sam said.

Mindy's eyes widen. "Oh, my god. He's making a requel!"

"A what?" Sam asked. 

"Or a legacyquel. Fans are torn on the terminology" 

"Please speak english" Chad said.

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