Chapter 3

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Allison's pov___________________

Year: 2011

Living in Woodsboro my whole life is nice. Mom remarried to when I was 4 years old to my dad named John. My best friend's name is Sam and it's our first year in high school together. I get up and get dressed and do my hair. 

"Ali, breakfast" I hear my dad call for me. 

I rush downstairs and sit at the table. "Morning, sweetie" Dad kissed my head. 

"Morning" I start eating the pancakes. "Where's mom?" 

"She left for work early

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"She left for work early. I'll drive you to school" 

"Can I drive?" I asked knowing it was a long shot. 

Dad laughs. "At 15? Nice try, you're still learning" 

After we ate Dad drove me to school. On the way, we see Ghostface customs on the poles everywhere in town. 

"Is today some kind of remembrance for the killings?" I asked confused. 

"Yeah, today is the anniversary" 

Sidney's pov_______________________

My publicist, Rebecca and I pull up to the bookstore. I notice the Ghostface customs everywhere. 

"What do you think?" Rebecca asked. 

"Well, I guess today is the anniversary" I scoff. "Kids" 

"No, I meant the book display" 

"Oh" Rebecca and I walk over to the window to see my book "Out of Darkness" 

"It's good" I said.

"I told the owner that I'd kill her cat if he didn't get it right" 

I laugh. "Nice"

Dewey's pov____________________

I headed out the door to go to work when a car was speeding. "Whoa! the speed limit is 25!" I yelled.

"Sorry, sheriff!" I hear Kriby yell over her loud music. 

"Kirby" I muttered shaking my head, getting into my car, and driving into town. I parked and got out to see a few of my cops taking down the Ghostface customers. 

"Morning, sheriff" Deputy Hicks said.

"Morning, deputy..morning Joe" I said to the worker on the latter.

"Sheriff" he nods at me.

"Looks like the celebration has begun" 

"High school kids probably" 

I huff. "One generation tragedy is the next one joke"

 "One generation tragedy is the next one joke"

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"Sorry, you can never get away from this. You know, I wish I'd been old enough to be a part of the force when you were solving those crimes. Those intense investigations really bond relationships" 

I rub my fingers through my hair. "Yeah"

"How is Gale by the way?"

"Gale's good. She's writing fiction"

"Hey, I made some lemon squares. They're  in my car"

"Thanks, deputy but no thanks" I said as she pull a container of them from out of her car. 

"Sheriff, you're not cheating on your wife if you eat my lemon squares" 

"Yeah, but I would be cheating on my diet" we both chuckle.

"Sheriff Riley, come in, Sheriff Riley" my radio said.

"This is Sheriff Riley" I spoke. 

"You got to get over to Randall's house right away... it's bad sheriff, real bad" 

Judy and I exchanged looks before we both rushed into our cars and drove to the house. 

Allison's pov_______________________

I met up with Sam when I got to school. 


"Hey. I got you coffee" Sam handed me a cup of coffee.

"You're a lifesaver" I take a sip. I then notice she seemed off. "What's wrong? Is it your mom again?" 

Sam signs. "Yeah, we just got into a really bad fight last night. I stole some of her pills, I didn't think she would notice" 

"My offer still stands, you can always stay the night at my house"

"I can't leave Tara with her the way she is" Sam shook her head. 

Then all of a sudden, Robbie, a senior and a club member of the cinema walks over to us. "Hey freshman Allison, what's your favorite scary movie?"

"Why do I have to answer this?" I asked confused. 

"You're also in the cinema club, come on, what's your favorite scary movie?"

I sign thinking of a movie. "Oh, Prom night with Brittany Snow" 

"That's not that much of a scary movie" 

"It still counts...ok, then... Halloween, and you can't say "It's not a scary movie" I mock him.

"No, no. Your right, I can't say it's not" Robbie raised his hand in surrender. 

Robbie then spots some girls, who are Olivia, Jill, and Kirby, all seniors, and Kirby is my senior mentor.

"This is Robbie with the luscious Olivia "Don't look at my tits, I have a mind" Morris" Robbie said and the four of them came to a stop at Sam and I. 

"Here is my Woodoro massacre anniversary question. What is your favorite scary movie?"

"Is that all you got some stupid question?" Olivia asked. 

"Yeah, where'd you hear that anyways?" Jill asked.

"The line from stab 1, duh" Charlie walks over and taps Robbie on the shoulder. "Hey, Charlie" Robbie turned his attention to Kirby. 

"Is this guy bothering you two?" Kirby asked Sam and I. 

"Yes" Sam said bluntly and I chuckle. 

"I am not bothering, I am interviewing" Robbie defended himself. "You're a horror genre, Kirby. What's your favorite scary movie?" 

"Bambi.. and stop bothering my freshman protege" Kirby said to the camera, grabs my arm, and pulls me with her, Jill, and Oliva. Sam disappeared. 

"Well, see you both at the cinema club" Robbie yells.

"Don't let him bother you" Kirby said.

"Nah, he wasn't bothering me, it's kind of amusing" I said.

"I'll catch you guys in class, bye Ali" Olivia walks off. The rest of us stop at Jill's locker. 

"I think Charlie likes you" Jill said.

"And I like him" Kirby said.

"No, Jill means, he really likes you. Have you seen the way he looks at you?" 

"You think so?" Kirby asked.

Jill closed her locker at there stood her ex-boyfriend Trevor, who is also a senior. 

"Oh, hi, Trevor, bye, Trevor" Kirby pulls me along with her while we left Jill and Trevor alone. 

"Awkward.." I muttered. 

"Defiantly" Then we hear the bell ring. "I'll see you later" 

Kirby and I went our separate ways to class. 

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