Las Vegas Dreams

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Finally, the airplane landed in Las Vegas.  Scarlet was ready to party.  On the plane, they had changed into dresses and suits.  As the walked down the steps, they were greeted by screaming fans and the flashing cameras of the paparazzi.  Scarlet smiled in joy as she saw that everyone was there just to see her.  As she walked down stairs, she smiled at the cameras.  Josh followed as well as the rest of the team.  They hurried into the car that was waiting.  While they waited for their bags to be load into the car, Scarlet started texting the hotel to announce their arrival.

            At the hotel, they rushed into the building and into their rooms.  Scarlet sat on her bed and fell asleep almost instantly.  It had been a long day and she was exhausted.  Her dreams took her back to her high school day.  “Nick, your so funny.” she said as Nick twirled her.  “Yea, right everyone know that you love me.” said Drew.  Her eyes wandered past the small group towards Nick’s brother, Austin.  “Ava, prom is coming up soon. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” asked Drew.  She remembered the large breath that she took in as she gasped in shock.  “Yes, of course!” she replied.  As she looked past them at her friend who seemed upset and angry.  Before she knew it, she was slowly waking up from her wonderful trip back into the past of her life that she wished to ignore.

            Meanwhile, Mark was dreaming about the time that the group had spent not stealing or planning anything, but just enjoying each others company.  He remembered the days of just sitting back with Scarlet while they were in the CIA.  The missions that they had gone on and the victorious look that she always got when the mission was over.  He longed for those days once again as they seemed to work harder then ever on getting the money and the plans that they had spent so little time on before.  Now they were doing bigger cons and he knew that they would eventually get caught.  He awakened when he heard a scream coming from Scarlet’s room.

            He entered Scarlet’s room with his gun.  He saw the window was opened and that Scarlet was standing on the balcony looking down.  He rushed over to her and saw a car speeding off.  “Are you ok” he asked her.   Scarlet turned to her tears falling down her face.  He didn’t need her to answer, he pulled her toward him and wrapped his arms around her letting her cry into his shoulder.  They stood there on the balcony like that for a few minutes before the flashes of cameras ruined the mood.  Mark escorted her into her room.  He was about to leave when Scarlet asked, “Will you stay?”  Mark turned around and got into bed with her wrapping his arms around her.

            The next morning the news headlines were crazy.  “Ava and Drew: Movie Shoot or Special Moment” were on top of every newspaper that arrived that their door.  The group watched as Scarlet ripped up each newspaper and threw them away.  Jake stared at the headlines, anger was written across his face.  Josh looked sad and disappointed as Michael looked like he could kill some one.  Finally Sara looked like she couldn’t wait to go shopping.  When Scarlet stalked out of the room, everyone started fighting and Sara slinked out after Scarlet.

Robbing Las Vegas: Scarlet RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now