Chapter Two

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Regulus Black has faced many surprises in the wizarding world. But nothing could ever compare to the surprise that came with 31st October of 1981.

When he had been 19, he had lost his left arm. At the age of 20 he was known for having destroyed two of Voldemort's horcruxes, the locket and the ring, which made him a hero in the eyes of the public and became the reason for him to interact with Sirius for the first time since their Hogwarts years. Regulus wasn't a very emotional person, but that they both brothers had cried.

It had also put a target on him and placed a distance between him and Bellatrix, but that was nothing he couldn't handle.

He also destroyed the other horcruxes, but no one needed to know that. People only knew of the two horcruxes because of his missing arm, but they didn't need to know that he had stolen the cup from Bella's vault before that and destroyed the three horcrux together.

Just last year he had managed to get the diary during the even hosted by his cousin Narcissa and destroyed it the moment he had the chance. Dumbledore had believed that Voldemort had originally planned to have seven horcruxes, but had only made five so far. That meant only one was left.

On the night of the 31st October, he hadn't known of the incident that took place with the Potters. He had just managed to trace the location of the last horcrux, the Ravenclaw's diadem, hidden right in front of them, and was on a hunt to destroy it.

To him, he had now made Voldemort mortal. There was no rush to kill him tonight itself or check with the news, he had been too tired to do so.

Oh how wrong he had been.

Regulus was gay, that on its own had been something that could have led to disownment. Being a part of LGBTQA+ was acceptable in the wizarding society, but as a part of a pure blood family, at least one male was supposed to have a biological child to continue their bloodline. With Sirius and him however, that seemed unlikely.

And for the longest time he could remember, he was in love with James Potter. They had dated for a while, but eventually they had to brake off, the pressure put on Regulus by his parents was too much to handle. By the time he was free of that pressure, James was engaged to Lily Evans.

He didn't really blames him, not when Lily was the perfect combination of beauty, intelligence and kindness. Not when the two of them fit so well together. Not when they had a family, an adorable son. Not when she made him so happy.

A thing about love, you learn to let go of the person you love if it means that they are happy.

Regulus was just glad to be part of his life at this point. No matter how awkward it might get, the longing feeling he felt, at least it was better than not living with him at all.

He hadn't expected the day Voldemort became mortal also to be the day James and Lily breathed their last breaths.

James, the light of his life, lost in the darkness forever.

And he didn't even know of it until the next day, when he learnt through the newspaper that they were dead, Harry orphaned, and Sirius arrested for their murder.

That felt like a joke. Sirius Black, the only Gryffindor Black to ever exist, the one who did everything to prove that he wasn't like the rest of the family, arrested because he betrayed his best friend. James Potter, the brother he loved more than his own biological brother. And Pettigrew died trying to stop him?

There was no way for him to believe it.

Then he thought of Remus, poor Remus. Of the three best friends he had, two dead friends and one declared traitor.

And Harry. Oh god, Harry. He was just above one by now and he already lost both of his parents. And both his godparents couldn't even take care of him, one dead other responsible for his parents' death. Where would he even go? Who would take care of him.

"Well he will go with his uncle and aunt from Lily's side of family." Dumbledore informed him. "Since the only reason any wizarding family seem to be interested in taking him is because he is the boy who lived."

"You mean Petunia? Lily absolutely hated the lot, you can't possibly send Harry to that family. They hate anything related to magic." Exclaimed Remus outraged.

"Surely they can't be that terrible," replied Dumbledore. "Harry's their family. And you know that you can't take Harry in Remus, not with your condition. If we can't find someone genuine to take care of Harry, then I am afraid there's not much me or the ministry can do."

"I am willing to take him." Regulus had volunteered, though he didn't knew why. He had never been good with children, even though Harry seemed to show a rather close liking to him.

Dumbledore looked at him with concerning eyes, "Are you sure that you will be capable of doing so with your... condition?"

"Are you doubting my abilities just because I am disabled?" asked Regulus glaring at the man. He had worked with the man in order to take Voldemort down, but in no sense did he like the man. He had good intentions, sure. But his implementation was terrible. "Just because I don't have an arm doesn't mean that I can't raise a child, Mr. Dumbledore."

"Of course not, Mr. Black." Dumbledore quickly nodded. "But are you sure about this? With your old relationships with-"

"That is not going to affect anything." Claimed Regulus. "And if I have any problems then I am sure Remus would be willing to help me. He is always not a werewolf. Isn't that right?"

He turned to Lupin, who had been surprised at the question before replying, "Yes, of course. I will help, yes."

Dumbledore did not seem pleased about this development. "If you believe that you two are capable, then I suppose I can not stop you. I will arrange the paperwork."

Once the older man had left through the floo, Lupin turned to Regulus.

"How did you know I was a werewolf?" he asked the former Slytherin. "Did Dumbledore tell you? Or did-"

"No one told me." Answered Regulus smoothly, interrupting the man. "I figured it out on my second year. I got suspicious in my first year and then in second year I observed your group. It was kind of obvious, you always got scars after the full moon."

"And you didn't tell anyone?" asked Remus.

"No, it was none of my business. Panda knew, but then she always knew everything." He replied. "Besides, you were James' friend, so I guess you could not have been worse than him. And you meant a lot to Sirius."

"That did not stop him from betraying us." Remus muttered bittered. "But thank you- for keeping my secret."

"No need for that." Regulus told him. "I did not escape the house like Sirius did, but that doesn't mean I believed what our parents taught us, Lupin."

"Can we even be sure that he didn't actually believe them?" asked Remus. "After what did."

"I don't know." Replied Regulus. "It's still to hard to believe that he would do this. That he would kill them. Kill James."

"I can't either." Replied Remus.


"And its Remus."

Regulus turned to look at the Gryffindor confused.

"You call me Lupin." Remus explained. "You can call me Remus. If we are going to take care of Harry together, then I believe we are past the use of last name, Regulus."

For a second Regulus stared at him with no expression. Then he lookedahead. "I suppose you right."

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