Chapter-1. The beginning of menmaa and borruto

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                              After Naruto saved hinata from otsutsuki toneri they were
         standing on a rock and talking and smiling until uchiha sasuke appear to them
        "Teme!!" Said Naruto smiling widely
        "What dobe" said sasuke normally
       "Look i saved hinata aren't i strong" said Naruto proudly
        "Hnn.." said sasuke
       "Hmp! Your still the same sasuke" said Naruto smiling

                               They were talking and laughing until...

         "Naruto-kun do you feel any enormous chakara? Said hinata
         "Yea" said Naruto
         "Keep your guard up Naruto it's getting near" said sasuke as he protects Naruto

                               And after that crazy win started blowing the three
         Shinobi were just observing the situation closely for upcoming danger!
                              Until and deep scary voice started talking to them

         "Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke it's a pleasure to meet you" said the voice
         "Who are you? Said sasuke coldly
         "Don't be scared little human's I'm not here to bring any harm nor danger Im rather
  Here to give a gift or rather ask a helping hand for this universe" said the scary voice
         "Why should we trust you?!" Said Naruto activating Six path sage
         "Naruto-kun" said hinata
         "Dobe calm down i think he is not here to hurt us and he's looks very strong even
                      His chakra power is so powerful" said sasuke
          "Just as i expected from a great shinobi like you uchiha sasuke" said the voice
          "But what does he mean by asking us for help the war just ended recently!!" Said
                                               Naruto confusingly
            "Naruto-kun let's listen to him first" said Hina in a sweet voice
            "Yea dobe" said sasuke
            "Fine!" Said Naruto annoyingly

            "As i was saying my two sons are going to be set free sooner or later" said the voic
            "Isn't it good?" Hinata asked
            "Well one is good news and one is bad news"said the voice
            "How so?" Sasuke asked
            "My eldest son is trying to destroy this universe by eating all the chakara in this
         Universe and as you know this earth has the strongest chakara fruit as there are
                 Real shinobi with chakara so i feel he will come after the earth first more
                                Than the other planets" said the voice
           "This sound like a really big deal" Naruto said seriously
           "Yea it is" said the voice
           "Can you tell us more about you and your son's?" Asked sasuke
          "Fine I'll tell you listen carefully" said the voice

                                   They all nodded saying yes

                      So it started millions of millions of years ago-

                                          End of chapter-1~

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