Adam recognized the familiar look of determination that spread across Kendall's face. He knew Kendall would do anything for the win, even if it did mean talking to him.

"What are you saying?" Clarification was something he needed in this situation, he didn't want to read into anything.

Kendall sighed, looking down to her skates. She didn't speak for a while, she just stared at her skates. Adam waited patiently to listen, whenever she was ready to tell him.

He would wait forever if it meant he had a chance to have her back in his life, even for a moment.

She cleared her throat, still staring down, "I mean..." She looked up at the boy with a smile, "would you want to go get french fries with me?"

A smile spread across his face, reaching his cheeks. He couldn't help it. Everyone always told him he was whipped. And they were all right. He was so smitten with Kendall Conway. He could never control it.

"Always." He replied, his smile bright.


Her mom gave a questioning glance as she walked through the door of the diner with Adam Banks. Kendall was experiencing some sort of deja vu, she had been in this exact situation before. Except then she was in peewees.. and now she's in high school. It was much simpler then.

They sat at the same booth where they first had gotten to know each other. Then the conversation was easy, all that was being asked was basic questions.

"Kendall." Her mom spoke, approaching the table with a notepad. "Adam," Casey acknowledged through gritted teeth.

Kendall gave her a knowing look before ordering, "a basket of fries and two cokes please mama."

Adam shrunk under Casey's stare, Kendall attempting to batter her away.

Once she left, Kendall began to laugh. Adam smiled at the sight, "what?"

Kendall smiled shaking her head, "you've always been afraid of her. Nothing's changed."

He smiled merely at the sight of her smile, something he hadn't seen in awhile. It was one of his favorite things about her. She was just so beautiful.

"How about you? Four years later and you're still ordering the same thing," He joked.

She shrugged, "i like what i like."

"Or you're just a picky eater."

Kendall rolled her eyes, "whatever. My love with fries never killed anybody."

Their fries made its way to the table and a silence took over. Kendall didn't hesitate to pick up fries and began to eat them.

"Kendall... i'm sorry-"

Kendall interrupted, "please. Let's not talk about it. Please." He nodded his head in understanding.

"So... anything new in your life?" Adam began trying to break the silent tension.

"No," Kendall laughed. "You?"

He shook his head, "no."

They sipped there sodas at the same time. An awkward silence taking over once more.

Adam laughed, "okay this is really awkward."

Kendall nodded her head knowingly, "say... can i ask you a question?"

"Shoot," he answered before eating a french fry.

"When we were in peewees, before you were on our team... you came to my window one night. You threw rocks at it. I opened it but then slammed it on you and it was never brought up again." She paused before asking her initial question, "why were you there, Adam?"

𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥  𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲 ⇢ ADAM BANKS (3)Where stories live. Discover now