"This is off your dad, come into the library so we can open it in quiet" he says.

I nod and i take his hand. He leads me down into the library and i sighed at how quiet it was

"You are nearly drunk so I thought i would give you your dads present before you get too drunk" he says.

"What is it?" I ask

"We'll open it" he says.

I open it and it was a box of old pictures from my childhood, my little favourite teddy and a card. I gasp and put my hand to my mouth.

"He knows me well. The little things is what matter" i smile.

I open the card and it was vouchers for a car store.

"Why have he got me this" i laugh.

It was for new seat covers, smellys for the car, a voucher for my very own number plate and a few other car things.

"Who knows. Anyway my present i will give to you tomorrow morning okay?" He says.

"Thought you would give it tonight" i smirk as i play with his tie.

"You might be too drunk. That was my second present. I have a better present for you but for now lets get you back to your party" he says.

I pout and he puts his lips to mine. I was taller than normal as of my heels. I try to deepen the kiss but he pulls away.

"Maybe later ok?" He says.

"Boring" i whisper.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Nothingg" i sing as i walk out of the room.

Tonys pov*

Im sat here smiling at Stella. She is dancing her little heart out. I have only had a few drinks along with Steve. Some of us have to be sober ish.

"I need to pee" i hear Stella shout.

There is hardly any people here now as its 2am. It's basically close friends now.

"Me too. Lets pee together" nat replies to her.

They are both pissed and i cant help but laugh.

"How can they pee together if there is only one toilet in the downstairs bathroom?" Peter asks as he sips on his drink.

"I dread to think kid" i say.

Nat and stella had walked off so steve made eyes at me to follow them. And we did. We waked into the bathroom to find stella hovering over the bath and nat laughing so hard on the toilet.

"Nat come on" steve says helping her up off the toilet.

I was just stood there looking at stella thinking where did i find her.

"Stella honey. Why didn't you use the toilet?" I ask.

Steve has just taken nat out so i walk over to stella and thats when she fell into the bath. Wacking her back on the rail. That must of hurt.

"Nat was peeing and she told me about her tampon story and i laughed and nearly peed myself" she slurs.

"You need sleep" i say in quite a stern voice.

"Please don't be angry at me" she pouts.

Im far from angry its quite funny.

"Come on" i say helping her out.

I pull her knickers up and i pick her up bridal style and walk her to our bedroom.

"I love you" she says looking into my eyes

"Oh i know" i reply.

"You don't love me?" She asks.

"No" i say.

She gasps and i laugh.

"Im joking darling" i say.

She huffs. We arrive in the bedroom and i strip her down.

"Stay" i say.

"Yes sir" she smirks

This girl i swear.

I walk into her room and i grab a pair of pjs and walk back.

"I want you to fuck me" she says

"No not tonight. Tomorrow you will get your punishment" i say while putting the top over her head.

She wriggles and she lands on her stomach. I see a huge bruise growing on her back where she hit it in the bath. I struggle but i manage to put her pjs on. She will have to stay in a bra im not taking that off her.

I lay her down and she is dropping off to sleep so i slowly walk out of the room. I place her dress and dirty knickers into my washing machine that i had upstairs and then i walk to the bathroom. I wash the bath out and then i hear

"Natttt" stellas voice screams.

For fuck sake.

I go outside to see stella running for the stairs.

"STELLA!" I shout but she had already tripped over the uplifted carpet and fell down the stairs. She slipped down the first part then rolled down the second.

"For god sake stella" steve says helping her up.

I follow her down and her and nat run outside.

"Hows your girl?" I ask steve.

"Nightmare. Yours?" He replies.

"In the same boat mate" i say tapping his back.

"STELLA NO!" I hear wandas voice.

I hear a splash and thats when speed machine beside me bolts off. I rush off after him and i see stella basically drowning in the pool. Nat starts to sob so i hold her in my arms while steve dives under and saves stella.

"My hero captain england!" Stella cheers as steve sits her on the floor.

"Get to bed" steve says sharply to her.

"No!" Stella snaps back.

World war 3 is going to happen now.

"Stella i mean it. You nearly died twice!" Steve says with a slightly raised voice.

"Don't be so dramatic old man" stella says.

She walks off to the barbecue and thats when i stand up and rush to her. I pull the back of her pjs and she lands on the floor on my feet so she didnt hurt.

"Twat" she says.

I pull her to her feet and she throws the sausage that she took off the barbecue and throws it at steve.

"Right you are pushing my buttons now stell" i snap.

God i never snap.

"Fuck off" she says as she walks away. "Oh shit" she says.

And that's when i see fury.

"Get to bed garcia. Now." Fury says.

"You don't scare me fury" she says pushing past him.

He gets a pen out and places it on her side and thats when she goes limp and falls into his arms.

"What the fuck" i say rushing towards them.

"She will be fine its a light tranquilliser. She will be out for ten minutes but in the state she is in she probably will stay out until morning" fury says.

"Thanks" i say.

I take her off him and i take her back upstairs. I change her into a pair of my boxers and a long tshirt and i change myself. She huddles into me and kisses my chest.

"Im sorry" she whispers before she lets out a little snore.

She will be sorry in the morning. Brusies cuts the lot.

My future husband, her future daddyWhere stories live. Discover now