one more time

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I'm sorry." Whispered Matthew. He leant forward and grabbed hold of Gilbert's hands. "But maybe... Once more? For old times sake?"

Gilbert pulled his hands away from Matthew's, bringing one up to cup the Canadian's pretty face. For the longest moment in each of their lives, they just stared into each other's eyes, before Gilbert slowly leant forward and pressed their lips together.

It started out gentle, then slowly escalated until Gilbert had pushed Matthew back onto the bed, his hands disappearing under his shirt. As they removed each others clothes, Matthew began to remember all the tiny things that he missed about when he and the Prussian had sex. He missed how he was always so gentle with him, he missed how he always made every inch of his body feel loved. Then, as he found himself draped over Gilbert's shoulder with the Prussian's fingers rubbing his insides, the knowledge of what was coming next made him remember what he missed the most.

Gilbert threw Matthew backwards, making sure he'd land safely in the centre of the bed, before leaning forward and capturing the Canadian's lips once more. His hands moved over Matthew's hips, gently rubbing soothing circles as he entered his body.

Matthew shivered. This is what he missed the most. He loved how Gilbert rubbed his overly sensitive hips as he pushed himself in. He adored the combined feeling of being filled and having Gilbert's skilled fingers brush over the most sensitive spots on his body. "Ah~ Mon Dieu, Gilbert!" He moaned out, wrapping his arms around Gilbert's neck.

Gilbert couldn't help but stare down at Matthew's beautiful blushing face. He tried his damn hardest to stop his eyes from filling with tears as he thrust into the boy below him. He'd missed this so much, seeing that gorgeous look on the face of the Canadian. His Canadian. But no. Matthew wasn't his, and he had to stop thinking that way. Fooling himself into believing that Matthew would be his again would only make it harder in the long run. But knowing that this would be the last time he'd ever get to show Matthew how much he loved him hurt, and it hurt badly. He leant down, pressing his lips against the Canadian's as he rocked his hips, moaning loudly into Matthew's mouth.

Matthew kissed back with equal passion, fighting off his own tears as his heart shattered into a million pieces. He truly did love Gilbert, and he knew that Gilbert loved him back, but turning the Prussian down would save them both from future heartbreak, Matthew knew that. However, once more night of selfishness couldn't hurt, right?

"Ah... Matthew... Birdie... Fuck!" Gilbert moaned loudly, his pace increasing as he neared his end. He began rubbing the Canadian's hips again, still attached to Matthew's mouth.

Moaning against the Prussian's lips, Matthew tightened his grip around his lover's neck. The tears he'd tried to desperately to restrain were now flowing freely down his face. He pulled away from the kiss as another loud moan leaked from his lips. "Gil... Hah... I'm almost... almost there!" he panted.

Gilbert pressed his nose against Matthew's, staring directly into his eyes. "Me too, Mattie." he moaned out. "Together." After a few more thrusts, Matthew and Gilbert let out long, loud moans as they reached their simultaneous climax.

Gilbert collapsed on top of Matthew, burying his face in the crook of the little Canadian's neck. He pressed little kisses to the other's neck and shoulder, still panting and weeping.

Gilbert was not a man easily resorted to tears, but knowing that the love of your life could never be your's would do that to anyone.

Matthew kept his arms firmly wrapped around the Prussian, sobbing uncontrollably. "I still love you, Gilbert." He whispered through his tears.

Gilbert stayed silent, not trusting himself to speak without crying even harder...

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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