"Uhm, you're Lana, right? What am I saying, of course, that's you," the boy mumbled to himself before continuing, "I was wondering if you wanted to come to play soccer with Carl and me sometime today. It would be cool to have another player."

Lana shrugged, a smile forming on her lips. "Yeah, sure. I better eat breakfast though, so maybe in a few hours."

"It's too late for breakfast, but I think lunch is soon," he replied, scratching the back of his neck lightly.

Amused by the awkwardness, Lana wished for him to leave so she could change into proper clothes. Rising from bed, she made her way to her dresser, glancing out of the barred window with disappointment at the gray sky instead of the bright sun.

Taking his cue to leave, the boy briskly exited her cell and headed down the hall, likely to inform Carl of her agreement to play. Lana quickly sifted through her clothes, settling on a pair of green cargo pants and a black long-sleeved shirt. She slipped her small knife into its sheath, tucking it into her belt loop.

Sliding on her shoes, she walked out of her cell, making her way toward the cafeteria. Nervousness churned inside her at the thought of encountering people, and her hand hesitated at the door. The temptation to retreat to her cell tugged at her, but her growling stomach persuaded her otherwise.

As the door creaked open, the sounds of chatter and laughter enveloped her ears. Relief washed over Lana when only a couple of people glanced her way. She proceeded to where Carol was serving lunch, greeted by a warm smile.

"Glad to see you awake," Carol began. "So, have you made any friends yet?"

Lana shrugged, scrunching her nose. "Kinda. I talked with Carl for a bit last night, and we sort of got along, and Patrick invited me to play soccer with him and Carl later."

"Well, I hope you can become friends with them. Carl may seem a bit difficult at first, but he's a good kid; he's just... moody," Carol whispered the last part.

Lana giggled, her grin widening. Grabbing a tray of food, she waved to Carol and turned away, scanning for a place to sit. Each table was pretty packed, but she spotted Carl and Patrick sitting alone, so she made her way over to the two boys.

As she approached, her presence caught the attention of the two, one greeting her with a smile and the other with an eye roll.

"Hey, young lady, what's up?" Patrick asked as she sat down next to him. Lana scrunched her nose, trying to suppress her laughter; she was in no way a young lady.

"Nothing really, but I'm excited to play football later. I haven't played anything in months," she exclaimed, stabbing a piece of meat with her fork and raising it to her mouth. She wasn't a big fan of the ham, but it was fresh, so she held back her complaints.

"It's soccer, not football. Get it right," Carl corrected, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, sending a fierce glare toward Lana.

Lana slowed her chewing and harshly swallowed what was in her mouth before putting her fork back down, a frown settling on her face. Just last night, they seemed to get along okay, but this new attitude made her believe otherwise.

"Oh... sorry, I guess. Soccer." Lana whispered, just loud enough for the two to hear. She couldn't bear to meet their gazes, already anticipating the looks she would receive, so she just turned back to her food.

They all remained quiet until the two boys finished their lunches, Lana leaving a small portion still on her plate, and the three teens placed their empty trays in a bin and left the cafeteria, beginning to make their way outside to play.

As Carl and Patrick walked ahead, Lana trailed behind, keeping an even distance. The boys continued toward an open area, picking up a soccer ball on the way, while Lana stopped on the steps and sat down.

The cool concrete chilled her legs, and she rested her head on her hand as the other absentmindedly ripped grass from a crack in the cement. The sound of one of the boys kicking the ball redirected her attention, and she focused on their game.

However, her solitary observation was interrupted by a soft voice behind her.

"You're Lana, right?" a voice tinged with a Southern accent called out.

Turning around, Lana was greeted by one of the most gorgeous people she had seen. A girl, not much older than her, crouched down next to Lana. She had long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, and her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. A warm smile graced her lips, and Lana couldn't help but return it.

"I'm Beth. As soon as I heard there was another girl here, I ran right over," Beth chuckled lightly.

Her eyes shifted to where Lana had been looking earlier, a brief look of disgust crossing her face before returning.

"How about you come with me? I can help you pick out some new clothes! It'll be more fun than watching some boys pass a ball," Beth suggested, grabbing onto Lana's hand and dragging her up. She hardly gave Lana a minute to balance before taking off down a hallway.

In no time, Lana found herself sitting on Beth's bed, watching as the blonde sorted through her drawer for clothes. A pile was already forming on the ground, and both of them could feel their excitement growing.

"There, I think that should be enough," Beth sighed, tossing a final shirt into the pile before standing up and brushing off her hands.

"Should I try them on first?" Lana asked.

Beth shrugged, "If you want, but they look like they'd fit you."


As Lana began picking up the pile, struggling to hold it in her arms, Beth's pair of hands started grabbing clothes from her and taking them into her grasp, assisting the poor girl.

"I'll help you, don't worry."

Walking down another hallway toward Lana's cell, the girls struck up a conversation to fill the empty atmosphere.

"So, where do you come from? You've probably gotten that a lot recently, sorry."

Lana rolled her eyes but answered with a smile. "No worries! I was born in Brighton, the same as my mum and Oliver, but my dad lived in Georgia. I lived in Brighton for the first years of my life, but we moved back to Georgia a few years back."

By the time they reached Lana's cell, their short walk was over, and Beth set her pile of clothes on the bed.

"Sweet! Well, I better get going now, but feel free to stop by anytime! I'm much more fun than those two boys," she joked, waving to Lana as she left the cell. The two shared a smile before Beth disappeared down the hallway, leaving Lana alone with her newfound pile of clothes, a mix of anticipation and curiosity filling the air.

She unfolded a pair of jeans from the pile, examining them thoughtfully. The fabric felt different from what she was used to, a reminder of the world she once inhabited outside these prison walls. These were soft, left untouched by the claws of the outside world, and not a stain or imperfection coated its surface.

As she contemplated the clothes, Lana's mind drifted back to the cafeteria encounter with Carl and Patrick. The initial friendship had quickly given way to an unexpected shift in dynamics. Carl's dismissal and Patrick's silence left Lana feeling uncertain about her place among them. Beth's sudden arrival brought a breath of fresh air, sweeping Lana away from the boys' judgmental glances. The spontaneous offer to pick out clothes not only added a dash of excitement to her day but also introduced her to a possible friend. As Lana picked up a shirt from the pile, she couldn't help but appreciate Beth's warmth and the sense of understanding that had blossomed between them.

Slipping into a contemplative mood, Lana decided to try on the clothes. As she changed into the unfamiliar attire, she couldn't help but feel a shift in her perspective. The baggy blue jeans and the thin hoodie hung loosely on her slim frame, a tangible reminder of the differences between the life she once knew and the one she now navigated.

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